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Thursday 17th March 2022


On 22nd February 2015 I tweeted "A man has travelled from Amsterdam to see the show tonight, so no excuses for not being here!”
This was, I presume, for this gig in Exeter, so it was an impressive distance to travel.
Today Bart Jeroen Kiers replied to the tweet to say "It was a great show, 100% worth the overseas travel! (sorry for this belated reaction, had some other stuff on my mind last 7 years)
It’s nice to get a review, even though it took so long that pretty much every cell in both our bodies has been replaced in that time.
If I had had any class I would have waited seven years to respond. I could easily have set up a scheduled tweet. Just a little “No problem, glad you enjoyed the show,” would do it. But like a klutz I immediately thanked him and that was the end of a brilliant conversation that might well have lasted up to three more exchanges. Always think before you tweet.
Someone said it was optimistic of me to think that the world would still be here in seven years time, but in a sense the joke would be funnier if there was no one around to see it. As long as the tweet was scheduled it would appear somewhere, even if no one ever saw it. That’s the kind of audience I am aiming for with a joke. Never mind about making one person in an audience laugh - a fine joke existing that no one ever sees. That’s the goal of any truly great comedian.

I wasn’t feeling great today, but I have to get my first draft of the book in tomorrow (I am hoping that my editor will give me til first thing Monday, as I don’t think she’ll be reading anything over the weekend, unless she’s really excited about this project) so I had to press on. I hit the 70,000 word mark, so it’s pretty close to being the right length (I don’t think they’ll refuse to pay me if I come in a little short of the 80,000, but equally I might well hit it). Having pretty much got my story down, I am adding interesting testicle facts and stories between the chapters.  I think it all works, but until someone else reads it you can’t be sure that you haven’t just written a huge amount of tosh and wasted the last five months of your life. To be fair that can still be true even if someone reads it and likes it.

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