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Monday 4th September 2006

The poker revival continues. I played at Century and came 7th out of 53 winning £140 (I had paid £90 to play, but it's still a good result). Some very good players at this tournament so chuffed to do so well.
I will leave the FitDay page up for the moment, but it feels strangely intimate to be letting all you nutters know what I am eating so it might come down at any second. I feel violated. In a bad way. I never thought such a thing would be possible.
Today I was writing a bit for TWTTIN about my hatred of the euphemistic phrase, "the events of September 11th" and how I pedantically expect people to be more specific about what they mean. Which events are they referring to? A lot of things have happened on September 11th. For example in 1922 The Treaty of Kars was ratified in Yerevan, Armenia. Is that what the people are talking about?
Even if they make it more specific and say "the events of September 11th 2001" that doesn't really nail it down. Millions of things happened that day. Which events are they alluding to? They have to narrow it down.
If anyone uses this phrase to you in the future please look blank and insist on them telling you what they mean. Don't let them carry on with the conversation til they have actually said "Well you know the terrorist attacks on the United States". Even then press them - "Are you including the attack on the Pentagon and Flight 93 or do you just mean the World Trade Centre atrocities?" Because, you see, with such a woolly and timid phrase as "the events of September 11th" there is cause for confusion even if you realise that they mean the terrorist attacks. And how are you meant to realise that? How many other things happened on that day? It's arrogant to assume that you can immediately pinpoint the ones that they mean.
For the purposes of the bit I wanted to find out some of the other things that occurred on September 11th 2001. This is incredibly difficult though as if you put "September 11th 2001" into a search engine you get a billion pages about the events of September 11th (by which I mean the terrorist attacks on the United States that happened on that day).
Finally Anna at Celador managed to direct me to a couple of newspaper websites which were more helpful, like this one. Even then, of course, the newspapers weren't all that bothered about reporting much else at the time. Imagine if you'd been the journalist who had to write about the TUC conference, rather than the most historic event of my generation's lifetime.
So I managed to get enough together for the skit (but if you have any other good alternative and true events of September 11th 2001 then do email me with them). Now all that remains to see is whether the evil Radio 2 censor will allow me to do this stuff on air. I should think he will. It's not really about the attacks after all. And he is my pussy now.

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