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Tuesday 20th February 2024

A proper night's sleep (though still up before 8am and suddenly anything seemed possible. I don't know how much my recent brain fog is just down to not sleeping enough, but I suspect it's at least a bit.
It was like 2023 again as I knocked out 5 podcasts in a day: the January bonus podcast for Plussers which I'd forgotten to do and which no one seemed to notice hadn't shown up. the February bonus podcast and then later the March one (I'm ahead of the game motherfuckers). I decided to do a stone clear on the evening dog walk, which I've neglected due to not feeling well or using dog walks to listen to audiobooks (whilst clearing stones obvs). We will be moving out of the village later this year, so I'm either going to have to commute for this mission or clear off all the stones by the summer. I've been going for over 5 years now and have been largely clearing the edges of the field. There aren't really any big stones around any more, but there weren't loads before, but apart from that you wouldn't really notice the difference. 
The farmer has not helped (or has really helped) by annually churning up the soil so that underground stones get to the surface.
But it's good to have a deadline. I will complete this task if it kills me. Also if I don't keep filling the Brexit ditch then Brexit might not be stopped. There may be stones where I am going. You never know.
After a 2023 where I hardly saw the Stone Stasi, they were out in force today. I could barely go 20 metres without having to hide what I was doing. Anyway, listen to the latest here.
And just to make sure I did maximum podcast output for minimum downloads I ended the day with the first snooker match of the new year. I am becoming a virtuoso on the old snooker stick, but none of the philistines who tuned in recognised the piece of Mozart that I was faithfully recreating and my squeezy ball went unclaimed.
Who could have predicted that sentence a few years ago?
I love the way these insane podcast develop. Believe me (I don't think this will be hard to believe) there is no planning involved in any of these. What you get is entirely spontaneous. But often the best ideas come about by accident. The false Rod Hull only came about because the actor Kevin Eldon had a cold during one of our radio records, couldn't do a proper Rod Hull impression for a one-off sound bite and so did that screechy voice instead, leading us to question if he really was Rod Hull and the rest is history. Or would have been had Fist of Fun captured the public imagination and ever been referred to again.
A very exciting frame of snooker. I don't know how I can have existed without stone clearing or snooker for so long. I must be crazy.
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