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Sunday 28th July 2024

I stepped on my laptop last night (by accident obviously, I'm not insane) and heard a bit of a crunch, but I ignored it and forgot about it. Until I came to write my blog this morning, when I discovered that I'd fucked up a foot width portion of the screen. This laptop has already had one expensive repair (when the keyboard fucked up just outside of warranty) so I don't know if it's worth fixing again. But it might become like Trigger's broom and last forever. The good news is that I can link the laptop up to a monitor and still use it as a desktop if I don't fix it. But still, an annoying and expensive mistake and this is why I can't have nice things. Tempered with the fact that I possibly have an excuse to buy new tech which is always good (if you ignore the expense). Breaking tech is a bitter sweet event.
I then spent about an hour searching for the back up disc I bought last year but that I haven't used since November. Where the fuck was it? Not in any obvious place. I must have hidden it somewhere for safe keeping and then forgotten where that was. Again the laptop itself is fine, though if I get a repair I will need to back the stuff up (even though it's unlikely they'll wipe it - it survived the keyboard repair without data loss. I am just fucking useless is the point though. As if you hadn't realised that yet.
Other than being filled with regret and excitement all day, I got to have lots of fun with the kids. I took Ernie to the shops and he's a delightful companion and very friendly to everyone he meets. He wanted to go in the seat in the trolley at the supermarket and we just about squeezed him in, but those days will soon be over. I remember (as I may have said before) the last time I got to ride the supermarket trolley when I was also too large to really do it, but had the same determination to hold on to childish things as my son. I was 28 years old and I was one of the teachers and on a bus.
I am pretty sure I was over 8 as I think it was in Weston Super Mare and we didn't move to Cheddar until summer 1975.
Basketball and gardening and playing in the sprinkler in the afternoon and a dangerously fractious game of Monopoly where the adults got more petulant than the kids. It's a dangerous game to play. How many marriages has it broken up? How many friendships has it destroyed?

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