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Thursday 5th September 2024

Following in the footsteps of Ryan Reynolds and that other bloke, I have bought a football club. Well, I've bought a player. Well, I've bought a shirt. Just the away shirt. RHLSTP is sponsoring new York City player Malachi Fagan-Walcott (he'd better be good), but only for away matches and not if he is wearing the alternate choice of shirt.
This is the big time though. We all know York City are Magic.
This should put RHLSTP on the map. To York City fans. Who travel to away games. Sometimes. As long as they read the programme.
We also get four tickets to any home match, which will probably cost us more than the sponsorship to attend but I am thinking of forcing Chris and Ben Evans (not those ones) to come up for a match. They don't support York and probably don't like football, so it will be more of a punishment for them. I support York and think football is OK and I still think it's a punishment.
Let's see the effect this has on listener numbers.
I wonder how much it will cost to buy the club and do a Wrexham. Might be less than the shirt sponsorship to be fair.
It was a full day of fun for me - I had to go to the GP so they could steal some of my blood at 8.40am and then prepped for a book club podcast, where the guest's router went down so we couldn't do it, then I went back to the doctors for an ECG. I thought this might be like a BCG ("Mind my BCG" Rod Hull) but it was even more fun than that and a slightly bored nurse stuck loads of stickers to my chest and then hooked me up like a car battery. I wondered if she got the connections wrong whether I could be electrocuted or turned into a superhero. But I got out of it alive and now await the results to see how long I've got left. I am aiming for 20 more years, long enough to see what road the kids go down and make sure they're going to be as OK as possible and also to get a few years to enjoy myself once I am free of that awful responsibility. But hopefully not so long that I become a burden or lose my marbles.
Happy to go at 77. Let's see how I feel about that in my July 12th 2044 blog. I think the 20 year old me would have happily accepted a deal where he got 30 more years and was then beheaded. But the 50 year old me would have been a bit pissed off about that.
Let's see if I can get to the end of 2024 first.
There's a lot of my to do list, so I'd booked in a tyre inspection for my car and whilst it was in the garage sorted out my tax stuff and home insurance. I thought I'd left enough time to then pick up the kids from school, but it turned out I needed three tyres replaced on my car and so I had to walk up to the school and walk back, by which time my car was ready. The man gave me a discount to make up for me having to walk for 40 minutes, but also because he was a fan of Taskmaster. Being on TV has not paid off in the way I thought it might in terms of people giving me free stuff and asking to have sex with me, but I have now got almost one free car tyre and a discount on having a key cut. So no wonder I can afford to buy the away shirt of an untested player in the National League. Don't be jealous.

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