I am a fan of Sunday Brunch.
Not watching it obviously, but being on it. And if you needed any proof, today was my 10th appearance on on the show which means my name goes up on a special engraved shield and I get a gold mug.
It's a lot of fun to do, plus you get food cooked for you by top chefs (and Simon Rimmer) and as I pointed out
in this Metro article (second time in two days I've referred back to that golden time) the comedy in it is (possibly) high surrealist art.
The real question is, how did I manage to get several jokes about rimming into a family newspaper?
It's proper TV, live, for the immediate audience, not for the ages. The fact that it's there, you enjoy it and then it's gone is highlighted by the fact that when Tim asked me which guest I had been most excited to be on with in my ten appearances, I couldn't remember anyone at all. Though luckily I was genuinely thrilled to be on the same show as Jemima Rooper, who I think is a fab actor and who I had a bit of a thing for when she was in As If. She was by far the best character and if I was in Mcfly I'd have written a song about her, not about the one with five colours in her hair. Idiots.
It was probably the coolest panel I've been on (I guess, as I don't remember any of the others) with the band Divorce, the super cool actor Ivanno Jeremiah (my favourite bit was Tim Lovejoy asking him off camera halfway through the show how to pronounce Ivanno, apologising for getting it wrong at the beginning, getting the correct version and then continuing to pronounce it wrong for the rest of the show - I sympathise, it's something I do all the time on RHLSTP, but Ivanno and I shared an amused look when it happened!) Jemima and JB Gill from off of JLS, who had been on House of Games with me back in the day - can't remember who won. That kind of thing is not important to me.
Today was the first TV show I've done since 2023 (and the last one was probably Sunday Brunch as well). You play Sunday Brunch ten times in your career, five times on the way up and five times on the way down.
I had a lot of fun, lightly mocking the show and the hosts (who know that I hold them in high esteem in reality) and trying to big up Cheddar Gorge, whilst admitting that Wookey Hole is better. And I managed to fool Simon Rimmer into thinking I'd once worked as a gardener. So I expect Would I Lie To You? will soon be on the phone. Finally.
In the old days I would have managed to get a bit drunk (perhaps why I don't remember much about the line-ups) but I sat the cider item out and kept a clear head.
I forgot to take my gold cup home. I'll pick one up next time I'm on. When you've done 20 shows you get a hologram of Tim and Simon that makes them look like they've been imprisoned in a prism (imprismed) and will be shot off into space like the villains off of Superman.
I've done this 10 times. Imagine how many times Simon and Tim have done it. And they remain relatively sane.
Good to talk about my bollocks on Sunday morning TV again, though I never know if this kind of stuff shifts any tickets. And I have tickets to shift, especially in London at the weekend.
So do come along if you can. And if you've already seen it and liked it, then spread the word!