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Thursday 13th March 2025
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Thursday 13th March 2025

I've had that fucking Mumphy song in my head all week. The only peace I have got is when it morphs into the "Get Yourself Seen" public information film, which it seems I remember every word of, despite not having heard it for decades.
"Whether working for a living or just riding for your pleasure,
Let the world see your life is something that you treasure" indeed. That's best done by wearing silver trousers and putting reflective strips on your bike.
And not sure about the bit where the woman makes herself visible to a man who then takes it upon himself to follow her. Different times.
Are these songs associated because they're from a similar time or because they sound the same? Is my brain slowly melting down and just sending me stuff from my past and making me think it just happened last week?
Mumphy is from 1975 and the ad is from 1978 so I think it's unlikely that they ever shared airspace.
Anyway, absolutely infuriating and writing about it is not going to help.
I occasionally mix things up by pretending the Mumphy song is about Phil Dunphy from Modern Family, but that's small consolation.
What if the Mumphy theme tune ends up being the last thing I remember, even though I've already forgotten the show. Fuck Mumphy.

Off to Cardiff today, always one of my favourite places to perform and somewhere that missed out on the first leg of the tour, so there was about 320 people in tonight, which is terrific for me. I had some problems with my clicker for the slides, which sometimes worked but sometimes took four or more clicks to work, which fucked up the pacing a bit, but led to some new jokes, so I think everyone was happy. It gave me a nice sense of jeopardy. Would the slide arrive at the right point or would I be left pointing my clicker at the laptop, clicking and getting nowhere? Either eventuality was a surprise.
I was a bit tired and after a week off my failing brain struggled to recall exactly what came next. When I got to the line where I was meant to say "Sorry Hamlet, but in that sleep of death, the cinema of dreams was entirely closed," a line I like and have never forgotten before, I found myself totally unable to remember what the order of words was. I think I became convinced that it started "in that cinema of dreams" and thus couldn't get it right at all. I had several goes. Way more than you're thinking now. I decided I wasn't going to carry on until I got it right. But it was like I was punch drunk and I just kept repeating the same wrong thing. In the end I gave up, only to be able to say the line perfectly moments later when I wasn't thinking about it.
Right Bollock gleefully took the piss out of my befuddled performance. I lost track of where I was in that conversation too, even though he seemed to know and he was very happy to point out to the audience when I was filling for time. He really is a Right Bollock, but this part of the show - which we were still working on when the show started last year and was the only bit that critics didn't like that much- is now, as I suspected, the highlight of the piece.
In the end, I flung my clicker on the floor in mock fury, but from chatting to the audience afterwards they seemed to have really enjoyed it. My card reader was also not working, as the wireless internet in the venue failed to connect and I couldn't get a signal, so it really felt like technology had turned against me.
I've been keeping in touch with the family of course and Phoebe loves using her new phone to Facetime me. She has set up a feature that turns our faces into cartoons and she's made emojis that looks quite like us. The cartoon mimics your expressions and she's made one that really looks like her and quite a good one for me too. It's like living in an alternate reality and I am worried that when I get back I will discover that the human Phoebe is the artifice and the cartoon one is the real one. Though I do look better as a cartoon so maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing.

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