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Thursday 8th March 2007

I released my book in Caffe Nero in Hammersmith this morning. It had gone when I went back in there this morning. Though it could have been thrown away. You can keep an eye on its progress, here.
Then I had to go to South West London to pretend to have sex against a tree with Sarah-Jane Potts. Subverting TV drama expectations (as we shall be again tomorrow) it was me who had more flesh on display, after the director insisted on my baring my bottom. I had my pants and trousers around my thighs. Something for the ladies. And the gay men. And the straight men who just appreciate the sight of a fat man's bottom.
The scene involved a small dog who is revealed to be watching us. His trainer had to hide behind the tree we were simulating intercourse on in order to instruct the cute pooch. It was very strange to have my nether regions swinging in the cool air, whilst a white haired bearded man crouched a few feet away from my exposed buttocks. But I think it must have been weirder for him than it was for me. I hope it was weird for him. It's all in a day's work for me.
Of course it's not the first time my naked arse has been on televisual display (and I somehow doubt it will be the last). Rather fittingly given my humiliations on The Hemel Hempstead Magic Roundabout, someone has just put up the old Fist of Fun driving instructor sketch on YouTube. My pert young buttock is there for all to see. It is nice to know I have recorded evidence of the state of my bum at both 25 and 39. I wish I had just thought to do this with Ben Moor's bum, but will have to use my unreliable memory instead.
And this sketch about the Conkeys quite clearly demonstrates that all of those of you who claimed that Andrew Mackay played Dave Pantme in the piece (in my fourth anniversary quiz) were wrong. It is in fact a young Phil Clark.
Ah happy days. Hopefully one day all our stuff will be up there. It's never going to be released on DVD!

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