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Tuesday 15th June 2010
Tuesday 15th June 2010
Tuesday 15th June 2010
Tuesday 15th June 2010
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Tuesday 15th June 2010

Testing, testing! This is the first blog entry that I have written on my new iPad. Yes, I have succumbed. I am either an innovator or a twat. You decide. It arrived today and I haven't played with it very much yet, but first thoughts are that it is pretty good. I mainly wanted it as a lighter, easier to carry version of my laptop for on the move blogging, so it's great to be using it for that, as I sit in the Westfield Shopping Centre. Yes, I bought this for YOU! Not me. I am hoping it will also prove to be more than just an expensive entertainment device (which it is very good for, I have to say) but also allow me to get a bit of work done on those occasions which I have time on my hands, but don't have my computer with me. Who knows? I have also convinced myself that it will help me get more organised and back on track with my diet (now that I can update my fit day page from anywhere!). It is literally going to change my life. For two weeks. Before I put it in the drawer with the Kindle.
And given that I really wanted it for blogging, the bad news is that on my first attempt to use it for that it somehow crashed and I lost my work. So the jury is out. But the jury is also pleased to have a new toy. I just hope my iPhone doesn't get jealous. My girlfriend I think has accepted that I love my Apple products more than her. Not to say that I don't love her too. Just not as much. But I love my iPad A LOT!
It was a hectic day, as Andrew and me were having our photos taken once again by the photographic genius Steve Brown. We were doing some shots together for Collings and Herrin purposes and Andrew was doing some for his Secret Dancing show and I was doing a few extras for Christ on a Bike and also just some more general shots. I picked up my Jesus costume and was greeted as Jesus by the woman who had helped me last week - to the slight confusion of the people she was now helping- then I headed down to the river Thames to have my photo taken on water. I wasn't going to be walking or cycling on it this time, but Steve lives on a boat and had set up his studio in there too.
He has three cats, who seemed to love me, especially in my Jesus costume and he sent me one shot later of the feline creatures milling around and using my gown as a cat tent. They were very sweet. It was odd doing my Christ photos with the same photographer as I had done the Hitler ones. I think we both felt this. It was quite a juxtaposition from last year when I had tried to project hatred of the whole world from out of my eyes. Now I was trying to look like I was saving mankind by taking on their sins because I loved them. It will make a lovely triptych which I should possibly use as my Spotlight picture. Me as Hitler, Jesus and myself. At least on camera I am able to inhabit the character I portray! At the very least I should dedicate a floor of my house to me as Hitler and another to me as Christ and then maybe one as me as Hercules.
We got some awesome pictures I think, especially of me and Andrew fighting, which will make a lovely cover for our next War and Peace, Crime and Punishment CD.
Then we headed back over to the costume store to return the Jesus outfit, feeling a bit like Mr Benn (accompanied by Mr Bean) before then shooting across town to my house to record a soporific podcast 115, where Andrew cruelly pointed out that with all the exertion I had sweated heavily and a line of salt (that someone else pointed out looked like the Dr Who crack) was hovering around my arm.
I had hoped to go out to the cinema but both my girlfriend and I were a bit tired and I now had an iPad, so we stayed in and watched the first three episodes of "Madmen" set in a better time where men controlled the world and women knew their place. On the end of our cocks.
Seriously, it was actually hilarious to see this world where most of the men were such dicks and most of the women didn't make a fuss and where black people only appeared serving drinks or operating lifts. Hilarious, but horrible. And unbelievable that this was only half a century ago. We have come on some distance. There is still some distance to go. I have a feeling we've found ourselves another great and long box set to get through.
Now let's see if this loads up and if I have to wait till I get home to upload a few pictures!
Had to wait til I was home! And just to say that these photos are very far from being the finished products. Still amazing though hey!?

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