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Thursday 30th September 2010
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Thursday 30th September 2010

If I ever needed those script writing elves it is now. I would give my soul to wake up tomorrow to find scripts for the last two Objectives and the first AIOTM. Not even all three AIOTMs. Just the first one. That is how cheap my soul is. If you're reading this Satan then that's all you have to do. Three scripts and you can have my soul. I know it's not a very good one and some would argue it's difficult to barter with something that doesn't exist (by which I mean my soul, rather than you, dark Lord), so just have the scripts (good ones mind with proper jokes in them - actually scratch that people would realise that I hadn't written them then) then I am yours for all eternity. This is a binding contract. I look forward to seeing your work.
Satan will never deliver. Even though he is in Hell, that's still not as bad as having to write three comedy shows in 10 days.
Again I sat up in my attic all day, plodding away at the first of those three scripts, making some headway, but not getting to the end as I had hoped I might. It will definitely be in a fit shape by Monday and maybe even by tomorrow evening (though I have to do the interviews and vox pops tomorrow too), but it would have been a small weight off my shoulders if I had cracked it today.
In better news I got a delivery of Hitler Moustache DVDs - the 2 disc version that will be in the shops, in a full size box, rather than the dinky gfs sleeves (which I like very much). Look at the picture. I am wearing the Hitler Moustache DVD as a moustache. I have a Hitler Moustache moustache.
Suddenly something that seemed abstract is very real. I've had so much else going on that I haven't had time to digest the fact that I am going to have a solo DVD available to purchase by the browsing public in a matter of weeks. What will they make of Hitler staring back at them from the shelves of HMV? Hopefully it will pique their interest. We will see.
This is the two disc version, but if you want the third disc too (and you really should cos it's packed with goodies and Andrew Collings) then you'll be able to order it all from go faster stripe on Tuesday. I believe Chris will send you the extra disc straight away and then follow up with the main DVD as soon as that is available. All for just £15 + p&p. Plus gfs is also giving a free toothbrush moustache away with every purchase. You will also be able to buy the show programme too, if you wish, all the profits of which go to SCOPE.
I have certainly produced a fair amount of merch this year, The Headmaster's Son DVD, How Not To Grow Up, Hitler Moustache, the Collings and Herrin Earth Wind and Fire * (*and Water) CD and the AIOTM Secret Stand Up DVD. And hopefully there will be another Collings and Herrin CD out for Christmas. It's an awful lot of product and I am very grateful if you have bought any of it. It's almost as big a commitment being a Richard Herring fan as it is being Richard Herring. Well done if you have bought and listened to all that stuff. You deserve a fucking medal.
I very much doubt I will have another year where I have worked as hard as this one. By December I will have done a Hitler Moustache Tour, book tour, Christ on a Bike in Edinburgh, 50+ Collings and Herrin podcasts, 40+ 6Music shows, 12 AIOTMs and a Radio 4 series, as well as dozens of regular stand up gigs and several panel shows and 365 blogs. I would be very surprised if I ever have a busier year and I am pretty certain I have never done so much in 12 months before. If I manage to get to the end without breaking down or packing up entirely, which is by no means a certainty.
That's just insane. I hadn't quite realised until I wrote it down. I don't know how I have managed to pack in so many games of Yahtzee and Fruit Ninja.
I am actually a bit overwhelmed now. I may have to sit down. And I am already sitting down. But I don't have time to double sit down as I have to crack on with that script. I rescind the soul offer Satan. I am going to do 2010 on my own, but feel free to take over in 2011 and my shriveled, battered, stained soul shall be thine my Lord.

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