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Sunday 7th December 2003

A couple of weeks ago my microwave oven stopped working. Yesterday my iron conked out. I tried to find out if it was something to do with the plug I was using and so plugged it into another socket, at which point there was a flash of light and a small bang. It was my second brush with death (admittedly both were fairly light brushes in that the brush never made any contact with me and at the time of the brushing incident the brush was being used for brushing a couple of streets away. And it wasn't the brush that Death uses for killing, it was his wife's mascara brush.... but still.. scary).
Now the microwave oven was pretty old and I'm not surprised it conked out, but the iron was relatively new and I hadn't been expecting it to explode in my hand for another couple of years at the earliest.
Are these incidents just some kind of electricity/brush based coincidence? Or are London Electricity (or Energy or whatever they are calling themselves this week) secretly pumping extra electricity into my house as some kind of punishment for the whole gas debacle? Am I going to be getting a bill for this appliance damaging power in the forthcoming weeks? Should I try and preempt this by sending them a bill for my ruined iron and microwave, offering them a discount if they pay within the next week?

No news from London Energy yet about why they want a gas reading, but it's the weekend so I don't really expect them to be working on it. More annoyingly no call from the police asking for my expert witness statement on the (near fatal) bus crash from last week either. It's almost as if they just took my number to get me away from the scene of the accident. But then again, it's the weekend and the police need a couple of days off as much as everyone. I'm sure they will be on the phone first thing on Monday morning.
They could, of course, merely refer to warming up to see my testimony. I hope they don't read the stuff about me wanting to marry a foetus, or my good citizenship might backfire on me a bit.
Maybe I need to get out more.

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