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Email a friend | Monday 11th May 2015 | Warming Up |
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Monday 11th May 2015

After yesterday’s tears I had the most lovely day with my daughter who was in a much better mood and who is now really starting to laugh at stuff. It’s a joy to see a sense of humour developing from scratch, and to witness a three-month old developing an appreciation of the absurd. Even though everything must seem pretty absurd, but it’s fun when they notice something different.
We gave Phoebe some powder to ease the pain of teething. So far in her life she has only eaten from a very limited smorgasbord: human milk (pervert), formula milk, Calpol and some gel stuff she had to have when she had her injections. So she’s pretty suspicious of anything that isn’t milk and this powder was essentially her first solid. She pulled a disdainful face and Catie and me both really laughed. And then Phoebe laughed too. Perhaps it was just an infectious outbreak of giggling, but it really seemed that she got that what was happening was out of the ordinary and thus her reaction had been funny too. “What am I like with my inability to ingest powder?” she seemed to be saying. But nothing beats this feeling of laughing with my wife and daughter. Later I started singing “Stayin’ Alive” to her and she found that really funny as well. I am not sure what she was laughing at this time, the idea of me being a “woman’s man” or being able to tell that by the way I walked. Or maybe she just thought I was bad at singing. I am there for Phoebe when she’s crying, but I love to hear her laughing, especially if she’s laughing with/at me. She’s now out of her fourth trimester and her personality is shining through. Luckily (so far at least) she’s pretty happy-go-lucky, sociable and loves having fun. 
I took her out for a walk as I did some chores and hoped she’d have an afternoon nap so I could work in a cafe.The plan almost worked to perfection. She fell asleep as I paid my Scope collection money in at the bank (though the clanking coins in the machine almost woke her up), but I became aware of foul smells emanating from her and though it seemed insane to wake her, she was a chemical hazard to anyone who came near her, so I popped into the posho Westfield changing facilities to deal with an environmental disaster on a par with a crashed oil tanker. Several seabirds and marine creatures were caught up in the aftermath. Even though Phoebe has been happily sleeping in her own waste, inevitably I woke her up and though she stayed jolly enough I was not going to get any work done.
For the first time I got the promised for attention from women (I am hoping to use Phoebe as an advert for my virility and to upgrade to a better wife- sorry, that’s rude - an EVEN better wife). It was two elderly women at the next table in Pret a Manger, but it’s a start. And they thought Phoebe was delightful and beautiful (but would they have told me if they thought otherwise). I didn’t offer to marry either of them. I hope I don’t regret holding out for a better offer. I am not completely sure that they were using Phoebe as a way to get to me either. This having a baby just to get a second wife might have been a massive miscalculation.
The RHLSTP kickstarter campaign is edging forwards, but there's still a way to go. A couple of new rewards have been added this week. Check it out.

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