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Monday 15th January 2007

No reply as yet from the hotel. Apparently they are so excited and busy preparing for my stay that they are unable to reply to their emails.

My laptop is playing up again. I have had almost nothing but trouble with this computer ever since I bought it about twenty months ago. It is sluggish and keeps stalling and does the thing that it has intermittently done almost ever since I've had it where it claims that I am running out of disc space. It's a good computer and has loads of disc space and there is no way this is true, but it clearly believes it is and is behaving like that and it's very irritating. Especially at a time when I have an important project to complete and wish to prevaricate by doing anything but looking at my script.
I've had the problem looked at twice by professionals, but although they have fixed it in the short term it keeps coming back. It's annoying. But I think I have some kind of power to debilitate electrical equipment in my finger tips as this kind of thing always seems to happen to me.
Anyway I am getting to breaking point myself and have pretty much decided to stop throwing money at this problem which no-one seems to be able to explain and get a new computer. Which is something that makes me happy. I am secretly delighted that I have an excuse.
And I am writing this today to use my massive consumer power amongst computer literate people to tell you not to buy Sony Vaio computers. This is my third Vaio. The first one is ancient and huge and heavy as one of those big concrete bricks, but actually still works (after at least six years of ownership). I only use it in total emergencies as it's crappy and the battery keeps falling out and usually I have a better computer to use. But at least it didn't break.
Then I bought a more high powered Vaio to run my complicated live shows off. This one broke down once in its warranty period, got fixed and then broke down again and you can see from reading that entry how I predicted the very scenario I find myself in.
So my last two Vaios have cost me over £3000 and lasted together not much more than three years. And within that time broken down several times. I feel stupid - my friend Tim had very similar problems with them and warned me against them, but I didn't listen.
So I am not going to buy another Vaio and I advise you not to either.
And due to the advice and praise of a couple of friends I am thinking of buying an Apple (sorry Sky Potato) Mac, which I had always been suspicious of, with its different operating system and so on. But I have heard nothing but praise about them from converts and all I want is a good computer that works and which won't let me down at crucial moments and crash and lose all the work I have done on my new draft because I am too stupid to bother backing it up. Best of all is the Apple after sales service which sorts out any problems that might occur as well as explaining how stuff works. It just seems like a much more together way of owning and operating a computer.
Alas I have just realised that once I have paid my tax bill at the end of this month I will be totally skint, so I am just hoping that the creator of Apple computers, Ian Apple might be reading this and offer to send me a free one in return for me dissing his competitors and bigging up his product.
I have about 3000 readers Ian and to be honest most of them are idiots who love me so much that they will just do what I say. So if you send me a free computer I will go on about how great it is and tell people they should get one too and you'll quickly sell 3000 units for the expense of giving away just one. What do you say?
Whatever anyone tells you. I have not sold out. Buy Apple! Tell Sony where to stick their rotten computers. And don't forget, you impressionable idiots that you mustn't shop in Rymans.

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