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Tuesday 24th January 2017

There’s been a lot of fuss about Putin and Trump, but the real story had to be how the Tories managed to get one of theirs in as leader of Labour. 
I’m messing with you Corbynistas, but all this does show how fucked up democracy becomes without an effective opposition. Even though parliament is going to get a say, it seems certain that they will say, “Yeah, go ahead with whatever you think is best.” People may have, by a whisker, voted to leave the EU, but they had no say on what that would mean or how it would be done. And if it means being in the pocket of insane President Trump, losing access to the single market, losing the NHS and having just as many immigrants, but from America and the Indian sub-continent instead of  Europe… will they still be happy? Is it really all about the bananas and the passport colour?

Ah well.

On a personal level things are going pretty well, so it’s just typical that the world is trying to destroy itself to ruin things for me. We’ve got the cast for the Everything Happens taster tape confirmed and I think it’s a really strong central trio. We’re basically filming a pared down version of the first ten minutes of the script in order to show the executives how the sitcom would work. It won’t be broadcast anywhere. If they like it, then hopefully they will commission a full series. So it saves doing a pilot - or is it at least cheaper to do - and with a bit of luck will get things moving more quickly. I have high hopes for this one. The cast we have really seem to get the script and the characters and I am very excited about working with them. I am already working on the back story for my disgruntled diner. I think he is a postman who secretly visits prostitutes and then sits in a high-backed armchair as they dance and he pleasures himself. None of that will be apparent from his one, off-camera line, but that’s the only character I can play with any conviction. I am hoping I will do the line so well that Channel 4 will turn down Everything Happens, but commission ten series of Disgruntled Diner and maybe another ten of Indignant Man. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Knowing my luck we’ll get a series and I’ll write it all and we’ll film it all and then Fuhrer Trump (as he will be by then) will start the very short and final World War III on the day before broadcast. I don’t reckon radioactive mutants will like the show at all. 
And after the usual spell of uselessness (and it has to be said my first decent sleep in a week or so) things started to click with the second Relativity script. I don’t think I am quite going to hit my deadline of having first drafts of four scripts ready by Thursday, but I am not giving up yet. Writing felt like fun again today. The pattern to putting a script together is so relentlessly the same that I am surprised that it still keeps surprising me. And the days of good work come with a lovely silver lining (or golden shower) that I am working on two projects that are, to some degree at least, going to get made. I am so used to pissing in the wind (oh no, hold on, that’s when you get the golden shower) that it’s difficult to remember this pertinent fact. So it’s quite thrilling when I remember.
I am one lucky mofo. If only I didn’t live on such a fragile planet.

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