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Sunday 10th March 2019


Dog walking is the best. Two walks gave me over 90 minutes of exercise today and I listened to Matt Lucas’ enjoyable autobiography on audiobook AND got away from my stupid family. I mean I had to pick up some dog shit with a bag, but if I’m honest I’m quite into that now.
Glad to see that Matt avoids the trap of some comedian’s books and writes almost gleefully about the terrible gigs he had when he was starting out and the mistakes he made. His first act, Sir Bernard Chumley, which I saw a few times, was certainly divisive, but I know from my own experience how hard it was to try and do characters in the stand-up obsessed clubs of the 1990s. For a few months Stewart used to boast that he was the youngest headliner on the circuit - I always thought that was a bit short-sighted, but Stew was more into arts than science and don’t think he understood the linear nature of time - but Matt started stand up during his year off and I remember him being seen as a wunderkind even before his appearance on Shooting Stars. I did see one of the Edinburgh shows he did as Chumley, but don’t remember much about it, beyond it involved David Walliams in an almost peripheral role as a boy scout. I enjoyed it, I think, though there’s a chance I was intimidated and worried about this next generation coming through even before I’d had a chance to get established. With justification it seems. 
It will be interesting to talk to Matt on Monday, my favourite thing from the book so far (though I knew this already) was that he was so angry about Vic Reeves Big Night Out when he first saw it that he rang Channel 4 to complain. I wonder if anyone else who’s ever complained about a show has ended up working with the stars. I mean there’s plenty more to talk about already, including him calling Tinky Winky a wanker and touring with Blur and what he thought of my awful script-editing job on the third series of Little Britain.
It’s going to be a great show with him and the filthy and hilarious Rosie Jones and crazily there are tickets left. So book here or come down and buy on the door.

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