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The latest newsletters can now be viewed on our new archive page at:

Hello everyone,

Just to let you know that is now active.

It includes a daily dairy type thing, a biography which is as accurate as my memory allows and loads of script and picture downloads. It's quite good and there's more to come (eventually).

Hope you enjoy it.

My new e-mail address is

Let me know what you think
Richard Herring

PS Don't forget I am currently on tour and possibly coming to a town near you (including Melbourne in March/April). Had a good start in Bracknell on Saturday. Details in the gig section of

PPS If you don't want to be on this list then go to and you will see a box which allows you to unsubscribe. But new people can also subscribe to these irregular newsletters, so do let your friends know about the site and the mailing list. Thanks! Apologises to those of you who got this email twice!
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