Hi all
Edinburgh is looming and I am trying to write a play (about ten pages in so far, but don't worry, it will be ready in time). The We're All Going To Die! tour is over (the DVD should be out in the autumn) so most of the focus is on Edinburgh and the massive theatre I need to fill!
After covering weighty issues like death, love, religion and spam javelins, 'The King of Edinburgh' (6 Music) is in a frivolous mood with this show about daftness, whether the term cool comedian is an oxymoron, bouncing joyously on the sofa and how Herring's whole career is a failed attempt to top a piece of visual slapstick comedy he came up with at 16. Can he revisit the joke thirty years on or will it smash his old bones? 'Dependably funny' (Chortle.co.uk). 'A new Richard Herring show is a never-ending cause for delight" List -
Tickets -
George Square Theatre 30th July- 24th August at 22.45
I will be previewing the material for this show at several gigs in June and July. Most of them are in London, but I will also be coming to Chippenham, Brighton, Cambridge and Newcastle. The best London gigs are likely to be the ones at the Udderbelly, Battersea Arts Centre and Balham.
I am starting to list all the dates in the gig guide, so keep checking back to see where I'm going to be
A new play by Richard Herring. American journalist EM Halliday visits the aged Russian Prince and conspirator in the murder of Rasputin, Felix Yusupov, improbably still alive in 1967. The former richest man in Russia, now reduced to making money from his tall tale, is haunted by the Mad Monk, who even 50 years on refuses to die. Will Yusupov finally reveal the truth? ‘I don't know of an instance in modern history where so many reputable as well as disreputable historians have solemnly repeated such a patently improbable story as if it were gospel’ (EM Halliday). You'll believe a monk can't die!
George Square Theatre 31st July-24th August at 15.35 (80 minutes)
There may be some London previews of this play in late July. Keep an eye on my website
You can get your name in this year's Edinburgh programme by donating £15 or more to SCOPE at
The more money you give, the bigger your name will appear in the poster. You will also be sent a limited edition signed programme when they are ready (email your address to herring1967@gmail.com after you have donated - even if you've sent me your address before).
Whatever name you put on the site will be the name that appears in the programme. You need to get your donations in by 10th June to be sure of getting into the programme
If you or your business would like to take out an advert in the programme, either quarter, half or full page then email me at herring1967@gmail.com and I will let you know the costs. This programme is given out free to everyone who comes to see the show and will have a print run of at least 25000.
Thanks to all those of you who have made a one off or monthly donation to help fund future projects. The totaliser is rising slowly and we don't need too many more people to get on board to make a monthly video version of AIOTM feasible at some point next year.
If you'd like to help then make a donation of your choice at
Yesterday someone decided to give us the price of a cup of coffee a month - which puts things into some kind of perspective.
One off donations are very welcome but if you are prepared to pay a pound (or more) a month, then you are rewarded with an exclusive, secret channel of extras (including behind the scenes RHLSTP questions), ticket offers and entry into a monthly draw for cool prizes.
Sign up by the end of May and you will be entered into the draw for the contents of my Chortle goodie bag including an Alcatel Smart Phone, DVDs and some comedy Top Trumps.
All the money raised from this will go to fund future comedy projects. If you think my free output is worth a pound (or more) a month to you, then please do consider donating so I can do even more!
All six episodes of this overambitious internet based comedy show are now in the can.
The finishing touches are being put to episode three right now and it should be up in the next couple of weeks.
Check out the first two episodes here at
https://vimeo.com/channels/rhmol or as audio on the British Comedy Guide -
http://www.comedy.co.uk/podcasts/richard_herring_meaning_of_life/ or iTunes -
Here's the direct links to the videos on Vimeo and Youtube
Episode 1 - CREATION with Marcus Chown. Vimeo
https://vimeo.com/87224963 Youtube-
Episode 2 - THE PARANORMAL with Richard Wiseman - Vimeo -
https://vimeo.com/92565258 Youtube -
You can also see and/or hear the full length episodes with more stand-up plus the full interviews with experts by paying a small fee
Get all six episodes (once they're ready) in SD and HD video and audio formats for only £15 or in audio only for just £6
Or buy individual episodes for £3.50 each (or £1.50 for just audio) here -
The fifth series is now finished (but a bonus audio podcast from the Mach Fest with Mike Wozniak has just gone up)
Listen for free at the British Comedy Guide -
http://www.comedy.co.uk/podcasts/richard_herring_lst_podcast/ or on iTunes -
Or pay to see the video (or just the audio) at
Tickets for series six are available here -
I am appearing in a quiz show called Listomania on Radio 2 next week. I recently recorded an episode of Alan Davies' "As Yet Untitled" for Dave and my "24 Hours To Go Broke" show with David Baddiel is probably being repeated endlessly on Dave!
I resigned from my Fubar radio show. Sorry to the five of you who listened.
For T-shirts, hoodies and mugs head to
For DVDs and books check out
Read all the columns here -
I think that's about it for now. I massively appreciate your support as always. There's still plenty there for free if you can't/won't pay, but please spread the word about these projects to anyone you think might be interested