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June news

Hello everyone
Gearing up for Edinburgh and things are very, very busy, but a few things to tell you and remind you about.

Go to for full details. All stand up gigs, unless otherwise indicated.
6th June Latchmere, Battersea, menage a un preview
8th June Kew
10th June Cheltenham Science Festival
11th June LYRIC HAMMERSMITH BENEFIT - do book ahead for this as it's selling fast. Got to for details of bill and to book. Great line up of comics and also Sophie Ellis-Bextor.
12th June Fortnight Club
23rd June Brentford menage a un preview
25th June Winchester
26th June Fortnight Club

Thanks to all those of you who have already donated to the programme fund. Remember to email me your address so I can send you a copy of the finished programme as well as any prize you might win. You only have a few days left to donate if you want your name in the programme so go here to do so

I am doing a stand up set for the TV show "Edinburgh and Beyond on the 27th June. You can book free tickets to see this at
Next week I am also doing a reading of my sit-com "You Can Choose Your Friends" for top BBC executives with a cast that includes Tim West, Julia Mackensie, Rebecca Front and Paul Putner. You can't come and see this, but I will let you know how it goes. Keep your fingers crossed.

I have buckled and set up a myspace page. So if you feel you don't get enough info about me then please become my (not real) friend. I am
Apparently this makes me cool and not a sad old man meddling in the affairs of the young.

I continue to ply my filthy wares on the Andrew Collings show every Sunday - all the info is here

We will also be recording the first two episodes of series 2 "That Was Then, This Is Now" on July 10th. Keep an eye on the website for details of how to get tickets.

The stage version of Grumpy Old Women which I was script-editor for is adding some London dates to its impressive sell-out run. You can get all the details at
It's a great show, so hope you can make it at some point.

Well that's got to be enough to wet your whistles.
Gotta get on with some work now.
Have a lovely June
Rich Herring
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