On line review of Someone Likes Yoghurt

As I'm involved in a show myself this year, my opportunities for Fringe-going are more limited than usual.
However, I'm going to make a point of catching Richard Herring's show "Someone Likes Yoghurt".
I've been following his Blog "Warming Up" for the past few months (read it here).
He's written a blog entry for every day over the best part of 3 years, and it is the most consistently funny Blog I've ever come across,(in fact it was the inspiration for my own attempt at Blogging).
There's a supreme comic intelligence at work here, and reading his Blog has become part of my daily routine.
It's a measure of how good it is that I get very irritated when a few days go by without a new entry. However, this is a wholly inappropriate complaint, as the man is churning out all this entertainment for nothing. He deserves a medal.
It's been fascinating to see how the material for the show has been constructed through his takes on often the most unlikely of source material.
His previous Fringe shows "Christ On A Bike", "Talking Cock" and "The 12 Labours of Hercules Terrace" were all outstanding, but I think this one is going to be really special.