Daily Express Q and A

Comedian, playwright, tv scriptwriter and author, Richard Herring 41, lives alone in Shepherd's Bush, West London. Former tv comic partner of Stewart Lee in Fist of Fun and This Morning With Richard Not Judy, and co-writer of Al Murray's sitcom Time Gentleman Please, this will be his 21st the Edinburgh Festival.

BOOK: My favourite author is Kurt Vonnegut.He was an underrated
genius. Slaughterhouse 5 is his probably his most popular book
but I've read all of them. His work is wise, daring and funny -
surreal science fiction. His final book was called A Man Without A
Country - a short book of his thoughts- it was bleak and very
true.I guess I'm drawn to black comedy.

FILM. The rock spoof, This is Spinal Tap. That film has had so much influence on British comedy of my generation, from On The Hour
to Ricky Gervais and The Office. Stewart Lee and I used to
watch it when we were on tour. The performances are brilliant -
it's a once in lifetime film.

MUSIC: I've just been listening to some 1980s songs but my
favourite music is Ben Folds Five. I first got into Ben
Folds's music in 1999 when I wrote a play called It's Not The End
of the World and my friend, the actor Paul Putner, who has very
eclectic musical taste, used one of his songs on a compilation
tape for the pre-show music. Folds's lyrics are very witty and
he's a big favourite among other comedians such as Daniel Kitson.

HOBBY: I play a lot of poker. I got into it about four or five
years ago and now play a semi-regular game at my house. I also play online poker but it's more fun playing live. I'm
reasonably good - just not patient enough to do it full time. I sometimes compete in celebrity poker tournaments and once won £800 in the final. I also once beat Joe Hachem, the former Poker
World Series number one! I also like reading and travelling to
interesting places.

SIMPLE PLEASURES: I like running. Doing a six mile run is how I
unwind. I like to run for my home down by the Thames, by
Hammersmith and Barnes Bridge. I ran the London Marathon a few
years ago. I'm often trapped in my house, writing and working, so
it's nice to get out in the fresh air and think as I run.

SPIRITUAL HOME: Ancient Pompeii, Italy, the city destroyed by
the volcano Vesuvius in 79AD. I'm really into history and it's
fascinating and quite spiritual looking round the remains of a
city of the Roman period, the ampitheatre, the intact streets.
When I studied Latin at school, my course was about Pompeii, so
it brings it all back to me!