The Shape I'm In for the Daily Telegraph

The shape I'm in: Richard Herring

By Isobel Shirlaw
Last Updated: 12:59PM BST 08 Aug 2005
Richard Herring's weight fluctuates

The comedian talks to Isobel Shirlaw about dieting, drinking and eating Marks & Spencer salads

You once took a show to Edinburgh called Richard Herring is Fat. Have you ever been on a diet?

Yes, almost constantly. I've done various things over the years. I did WeightWatchers for a while with my then girlfriend. It worked a bit, but it's all about losing weight rather than fat, which isn't always helpful.

I'm exercising a lot at the moment, and I'm losing fat but gaining weight. I've always been a bit chunky - my weight fluctuates between about 12 and 16 stones, which is an unhealthy sign!

What's your most unhealthy habit?

I drink quite a lot - on average about a bottle of wine per night, which is too much - but I sometimes give up drinking for periods of time. As I get older, I am finding it increasingly hard to function with a hangover.

When did you last visit a gym?

This morning - I went swimming. I'm trying to go every day in Edinburgh, and, so far, I have been for the past four days.

Which alternative remedies do you swear by?

I'm not really into any of that stuff. I went to a homoeopath once, but she just told me that I was allergic to everything that I liked.

Would you ever have plastic surgery?

I don't think so, although perhaps they could just suck out all my fat at once. No, I'm quite enjoying getting older - the wrinkles and the grey hair.

Are you allergic to anything?

I don't think so. Beer tends to make me very tired, but I don't think I'm allergic to it.

What's your favourite snack?

Chocolate, but I've given it up recently with my new healthy regime, so I went on to fudge, but had to give that up, too. I'm trying to eat more fruit, and I like those Marks & Spencer pineapple, mango and passionfruit salads.

How many hours of sleep do you get?

I sleep pretty well - seven or eight hours a night.

What's your preferred form of exercise?

I like running. I ran the London Marathon last year. I like the running machines at the gym, too, because I can watch telly at the same time.

* Richard Herring's new show, Someone Likes Yoghurt, is at the Pleasance Courtyard, Edinburgh, until August 29. For tickets, call 0131 556 6550