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Friday 1st April 2022

April Fool's Day has lost its lustre in our post truth world.

April fool! April fools will never die. You fucking idiot.

I spent a lot of the day prepping for a secret zoom RHLSTP with an American guest, who dropped out 15 minutes before we were due to record (to be fair they had had a plumbing emergency). I didn't mind too much. Hopefully we can reschedule (though this was our third attempt to make this happen, so maybe it's not to be) and also it meant I could help put the kids to bed. But slightly frustrating to do the work and not get the chat.
We have plenty of podcast in the bank - enough RHLSTPs to take us to nearly the end of June once we've recorded the last four, so it's not a huge problem. But I could have enjoyed a proper day off.
I slept for 10 hours last night (on and off) having gone to bed exhausted at 8.30pm and I had a bit of energy for the first time in at least a fortnight (though I have been under par since January and am still wondering if Covid has taken more out of me than I realised) and did a big splurge of house cleaning before I took the kids to school. I also risked a personal training session. We took things easy and it was more difficult than usual, but I actually felt much better after. On tonight's dog walk I even ran up the hill, with Wolfie jumping up at me excitedly. I have let my fitness drop a bit this year and am keen to at least get halfway back to where I was last summer. 
I have stayed off the booze. It's now 15 months since my last drink and it is starting to feel like I might not ever go back. I've done 28 dry months in the last 39 months (and I think I might have been another month off in the autumn of 2020) and on the whole I think it's been a very positive move. But I am not socialising very much, so it's much less of a factor. We had steak tonight and my wife had some red wine and I thought that that might be nice. But I thought of the hangover and the feeling quickly passed.
I had started watching “The Bubble” this afternoon, because my guest was in it - oooh clue - but only got a little way through. So we watched it tonight. We were impressed with ourselves for getting through a whole movie, though we watched the last 30 minutes in bed. After my own experience of filming in a bubble I thought this was an interesting premise for a film - actors stuck in a mansion hotel as they tried to complete a rubbish film. I thought it started well, but for me it went a bit big and blockbuster and I'd quite liked to have seen a smaller film that examined the scenario in a bit more detail. At least that's the film that I had been thinking of making, but I guess the time has passed. What happened during the filming of our last film would make a good film. We did wonder if we were being secretly filmed when we weren't filming and if that was the film. I wouldn't put that past the director.
Anyway “The Bubble” on Netflix is still OK. Like a lot of Judd Apatow's films it's a bit too long for my tastes, but there's always funny stuff because he's a genius (he wasn't going to be the guest, so I am not buttering him up) and great to see lots of UK talent in the film too, including last Monday's guest Celeste Dring.

A third episode of the RHLSTP book club went live today with Ed Patrick talking about his book “Catch Your Breath”

Next week I am talking to Al Murray about his book “The Last 100 Years (Give or Take) and All That”. If you want to read it before you listen then you can buy it here (for example) 

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