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Friday 11th February 2022


We've made a movie!
What have your done this week?
I suppose we have just filmed one and as I drove home I realised that the director had forgotten to film quite a key scene (there are ways round it), but still. There is still some work to be done. How all this utter madness will fit together is anyone's guess, but it feels like there's lots of funny stuff and there's definitely loads of strange stuff. There's a horror element too (which isn't just that I spend most of the film with my shirt off), but I am not sure how scary it will actually be. 
However it comes out I can't wait to see it.
As a humiliating parting shot, today the director wanted some of us to improvise songs (sometimes duets) today, which was an extra challenge. There were some more intimate (in a very unsexy sense) scenes - that again were just unsettling and odd. My final scene involved me lying shirtless across two other actors who were side by side and fully clothed, who then thrust their groins upwards leaving me feeling like I was on a human wave machine. What was happening? I have no idea. Maybe when I see the film it will make sense. But I can't see how.
Chris Evans (not that one) was coming down to the set. The actors seemed to think it was the real Chris Evans, so I told them it wasn't that one, but the one from Captain America. He actually arrived just as I was leaving and had to wait for his covid test result so I never got to see the disappointment on the faces of the cast and crew when this Welsh misfit wandered in. In some ways he is the least likely executive producer of a film of all time. And that is what makes him the best one. As has already been discussed this week, many exec producers turn out to be not the best people in the world. Never has an exec producer been so unmotivated by power or the desire to make money (he actually told the bank that he didn't think it would make money and he didn't care and they nearly didn't let us pay out the money as a result). Apparently Chris also got to make a cameo in the film, so if this goes well for him he might become as famous as the other two Chris Evanses. 
The drive home was a bit easier than the drive here - the M4 was open again and so it only took me about 5 hours door to door (with one stop). I listened to my audiobook and then a Radio 4 lecture about AI and then some old comedy shows on 4 Extra. My friend Ben Moor turned up on Laura Solon's show. 
It was good to be home, though everyone was asleep, of course. Apart from Wolfie who greeted me enthusiastically. It's interesting that she never barks when I turn up late at night. I guess she knows it's me, so I must smell pretty bad if she can smell me through the front door.

Retro RHLSTP with Aleks Krotoski is now up. Recorded in 2014 we tried to predict the future. See if we got it right.

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