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Sunday 11th February 2024

Still a bit wobbly, but we took it fairly easy today. I had been planning to complete a new crazy recipe for red lentil bread. Two days ago I'd soaked a pack of red lentils in water and then blitzed them in a blender. I then apparently had to leave them to fester (or ferment I suppose) for a couple of days under a cloth,  stirring occasionally, before putting in a bread tin to make a bubbly loaf of lentil bread. Made only out of lentils and water. I wasn't convinced it would work. And it didn't.
The cloth I put over the mixture sucked up all the liquid and then solidified like a teenage boy's handkerchief and the mixture of lentils smelled so bad that it stuck in my nostrils all day. It's meant to smell like fermenting soda bread. But I don't know what that smells like. And I didn't want to eat anything that smelled like the stuff I was smelling, even if it stopped smelling once you cooked it. So it all went in the food bin.
The recipe had been a bit hazy and it wasn't clear if the mixture needed to be covered by a cloth or just a lid (though a cloth felt instinctively correct, at least before it went horrible), but it was a notable disaster. It should have been obvious really. You can't make bread out of just lentils. If you could no one would ever buy bread.
The smell haunts me like a pulsy ghost. I smell it even now. Not even vegans should be punished in this way.
Otherwise I was resting up, until we got the karaoke game working on our Switch and the suddenly I was well enough to pretend to be David Bowie. It was a fun game for all the family, though it's a shame it includes a score as my competitive daughter (where does she get that from?) was annoyed that her mother got the highest score. I was too mind. Although Catie was accurate with where to come in, I was not convinced her pitching deserved such a high score (I can't talk - the high notes on Life on Mars defeated me). If the game is going to start judging people for singing like a less robotic Simon Cowell, then it should be rewarding excellence and accuracy and panache. RIDICULOUS!

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