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Saturday 12th November 2022


My daughter’s second match on the village under 8s football team and another defeat. 2-0 this time, but both goals scored when Phoebe was off the pitch, so I am calling it as a draw for her. She was again the only girl in the match, though on the next door pitch two girls teams were competing. My girl has no fear and was dogged in her determination to get the ball and not many could get past her. The 2-0 score line flattered the other team, who we were equal to, but last week’s four goal hero couldn’t manage to find the net this time. Phoebe was, however, declared our team’s player of the match and got a little trophy. And she thoroughly deserved it too. I was very proud and so was she. Phoebe is pretty new to the game (although she did go to Little Kickers from the age of 1-3) and hasn’t had the experience or practice of the others on her team, so it’s terrific that she’s holding her own.
I remember when I was a kid that football at all levels was very reluctant to allow girls to play, even against each other. Gregory’s Girl was partly about this subject. Phoebe asked about this today and I had to try and explain why girls had been discouraged from playing the sport. This was tough as even at the time I thought it was weird.  It was weird. Let people do 
I took the kids out for pizza to celebrate.Phoebe told me about a boy in her class who told her he’d been to a haunted house. He’d said “Blood Mary” into a mirror 12 times and then Blood  Mary appeared in the mirror, but when he turned around she wasn’t there, but every time he looked in the mirror she got closer but she still wasn’t there when he turned around and then she pushed him over and he fell over. I can’t see why her classmate would have lied to her, so this must be true. It’s pretty strong evidence for there being ghosts though. It basically proves it.
Ernie was quite scared by this story. And I am not surprised because it proves ghosts are real and that if you say their names a dozen times they will eventually push you over.
Later we went up to the rec to play some more football. Phoebe has already got so much out of being on this team and her win (admittedly it was also a loss) has really inspired her. It’s great to see her confidence growing. It got dark and she didn’t want to come back home. Ernie did though as he was convinced there was a ghost on the rec. But what kind of ghost would hang around a kids’ playground? Oh right. It was probably a good call to go home. Luckily I didn’t say “dead paedo” twelve times so we were all right.

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