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Wednesday 13th July 2011

A little surprised by my lack of hangover today. Of late I have felt lousy in the morning when I've just had two glasses of wine. But yesterday I had beers, cocktails and half a bottle of wine over the course of the afternoon and evening. Perhaps the rich and posh restaurant food soaked it up or maybe the expensive bottle of wine we had has had the hangover germs sucked out of it (which is why it was so dear), but that's a bit weird. I wasn't exactly bouncing off the walls with energy and towards the evening I felt myself flagging a bit, but I was fine. I wondered if I was still drunk. We'll find out tomorrow.
I did feel tired as I drove off to West Ruislip for the latest preview. But to be honest all the trips I've done recently have been a bit of a blur and slightly on autopilot. I have become a bit confused between dream and reality in fact. The other day as I drove to Newbury I suddenly remembered being flashed by a speed camera the night before (on the drive back from Nottingham) and was genuinely unable to work out if that had actually happened or if I had dreamt it.
It seemed unlikely it was real, because usually even if I suspect I might have been caught in a speed trap I spend the rest of the journey cursing my luck and feeling angry and agitated. So it seems highly unlikely that I would be able to forget being flashed for the best part of a day and then not be sure if it had happened. But the memory seemed quite real. Had I been so tired that I had let the incident slip my mind? Impossible surely. It can't have happened. Yet the fact that I don't actually know if an incident was real or if it was a dream is a bit worrying. Especially given I was operating a car at the time, a machine more dangerous than a knife or the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima (little Fist of Fun quote there for you). The worst scenario is that the dream took place on the actual drive back from Nottingham. There is a possibility that I was asleep as I drove, which means I might well have actually fallen foul of a speed camera. Perhaps the flash from it pervaded my dream.
Well I guess we'll find out in the next few days. I am 99% certain that the incident did not occur, but it's very unsettling to not be able to tell dream from reality. And I am concerned that if it was a dream that I am only three more incidents away from losing my dream driving licence and if I am not careful I will have to walk everywhere in my dreams. Or I suppose I could always fly. In fact given I have that ability, it's annoying I risked a dream fine by driving at all. And shows my paucity of imagination because I was still driving my 10 year old VW Golf in the dream when I could have been in any transport I fancied - like a tank or the batmobile. Or in the Tardis making love to Amy Pond. That'd be worth getting the fine for. I'd be happy for that speed camera photo to be shown in court. What's wrong with my bloody subconscious? Come up with some decent bloody dreams you idiot.
And the mundanity of this "dream" makes me think that maybe it happened after all and so the nervous wait for another notice through the post begins.
I'd remember though wouldn't I?
In any case the message here is don't dream and drive.

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