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Saturday 15th February 2020

St Skeletor’s Day again. St Skeletor briefly trended on Twitter. This day might be my legacy.
It’s hard to believe that Skeletor was even canonised, until you discover that it happened under Pope Boniface.
That’s right. I’ve done 2020’s proper joke already. I can literally take the rest of the year off. See you with my next joke in 2021. Though this is a hard one to do in a comedy gig without explaining a lot of set up and hoping people know there was a Pope Boniface (several actually - one was an anti-Pope so he’s probably the best bet) and by pronouncing Boniface so wrong that even people who know that that is a Pope’s name might not get it. Worth remembering Pope Boniface in case you’re on Pointless and they ask for obscure Pope names. I looked up all the Pope names today just in case I am on Pointless again. There are loads of Pointless ones but I’ve already forgotten most of them. I think there was a Pope Damascus. That one’s easy to remember. Unless I have misremembered.
My memory is not what it once was. I am sad to see it decline as I was once able to learn long lists of words (or names of Biblical characters) and call them up pretty much any time I needed them. For example I once used a memory technique to learn all 50 American states in alphabetical order. The other day I was challenged to name 20 American states. I managed it eventually, but felt sad that it was a struggle and that there were still 30 to go.
Me2 had to pull out of this week’s Park Run as I had woken up feeling a bit dizzy and snotty. It was a shame after I’d spent all week building up stamina in various exercises, but the weather was awful, so it was probably the right decision on all counts. I did risk an evening stone clear whilst walking the dog, right in the heart of Storm Dennis (all right maybe the little toe of Storm Dennis). It was exhilarating and slightly scary. But stone clearing takes precedence over everything and it if leaves my family without a father, then I am sure my wife and kids will understand. The podcast will be up soon. Not sure you’ll be able to hear any of it due to Storm Dennis blowing in my headphones.

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