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Monday 15th March 2021

400 days to the 20,000th day of my life (unless I've done the sums wrong). 
Less than a year to my 7000th Warming Up.
How can you cope with this tension?

My son has the soul of a comedian, if not quite the material yet. A couple of weeks ago we watched Back to the Future, followed closely by the first Paddington film. During the second film Ernie commented “Paddington goes back to the future!” It was a good attempt at a call back, but as Paddington wasn't going back to the future (I think he was sliding down a bannister), it didn't make much sense and I don't think anyone laughed (if they did it was just at the weird incongruity of the statement). Ernie said, “I said Paddington goes back to the future!” half-chuckling to himself like he'd made the greatest joke ever. 
We congratulated him on this, but were clearly confused by what he meant. In all likelihood he hadn't understood that Back to the Future was about time travel and thought that any kind of movement was going back to the future. Or he'd just heard the characters in Back to the Future saying it and thought it was a thing you say. I don't know. It wasn't a good joke. He's 3 and allegedly an idiot.
That hasn't stopped him repeating the line for the last fortnight. Always “Paddington goes back to the future”. And to be fair, it is starting to get pretty funny now. Stewart Lee is lauded as a genius, but he's just doing the stuff that a 3 year old can do.
It has made me think that a crossover film of Paddington and Back to the Future might be pretty good though. They're both great films so if you combine them then they'd make an even greater film. That's how it works, right?
I'd love to see that little bear learn about the paradoxes and dangers of time travel. Let's make it happen guys. I will only take 50% of the profits for coming up with the idea. And when I say coming up with the idea, I mean exploiting stuff my kids say for cash. There has to be payback at some point.

I was doing a RHLSTP this afternoon with a secret guest (it wasn't a secret to me or it would have made things tricky), whose identity I won't reveal til we put it out as a podcast in about 3 weeks time. It's a good one though. And another transatlantic interview. I'd had a mainly pain free day today, but laughed so much during this one that my scar started to throb, like an abdominal Harry Potter. And my guest might have been Harry Potter if things had turned out differently. That clue will only make sense when you're heard the show though. Very enjoyable anyway and I quite like recording the podcast in the afternoon/early evening as it means I get more time to relax with my wife and the adrenaline has calmed down by bed time.

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