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Friday 17th May 2024

Due to holidays, illness and gigs I haven’t done a personal training session for a couple of months and all the good work I did with diet and exercise before Christmas has been undone (well maybe half of it). My dizziness has stopped me doing very much other than the odd run or dog walk so when I returned to Paulette’s work out studio I was worried she’d break me, but it was OK and quite good fun. Sometimes that hour can stretch out to feel like half a day (and the next session comes around so quickly that occasionally it feels like the hour and the week have swapped places). I’d been up at 4.30 again, so it shows that tiredness can just be an excuse not to exercise. My tummy poked out the bottom of my shirt, reminding me of what I’d lost and what I’d gained. It’s a never ending yo yo battle. The up yo will win in the end. Unless I die of a wasting disease. Fingers crossed.
This evening I drove to Hitchin to pick up tour manager James, so he could drive me to Pocklington. There are two gigs tomorrow and rather than try to drive up in the morning we played it safe and travelled today. It means it's a three day trip for one venue and I wasn't convinced that it was going to work out doing two gigs in this small Yorkshire town, but the evening show has pretty much sold out and the afternoon show has sold all but about 30 tickets, so it's worth the effort. Plus I get to spend some time in the town of my birth, where I spent the first four years of my life. Which means I left there about 53 years ago which makes me feel sick. No one should have memories of things that happened half a century ago, even if my memories are vague.
My earliest memories are from here - I wrote about them here.
I suspect Pocklington might have changed a bit (I know it have gigged there a couple of times - though even this gig was over 17 years ago), but we didn't get to check out the town tonight as we were staying in a pub/chinese restaurant/motel just outside of town. James has found an eclectic mix of places for us to stay in and this one felt a little bit like it belonged in America rather than Yorkshire, but is run by a friendly woman who is seemingly running all three parts of her business alone and who didn't seem too troubled by customers on this Friday night. But she was happy enough. I couldn't get the internet working so I watched the second half of a Liam Neeson film in which he was an air marshal on a plane looking for someone who was killing passengers and was suspected by being responsible himself. He's come a long way since Schindler's List. He's an amazingly engaging actor though and I love this kind of nonsense. So no notes from me Liam. Keep it up. Love Actually was the only mis-step and he didn't really take part in any of the crimes of that film.
It's good to be (almost)home.
RHLSTP Book Club with Peter Pomerantsev is now up wherever you ingest your pods.

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