I had a terrible night’s sleep, partly because my son woke me up a couple of times, but partly because I had my first (mild) panic attack for ages (I used to get these all the time when I was drinking) having woken confused from a dream about 1980s kids TV. The programme in the dream never actually existed and was about a boy who was small for his age who still found romance - so somewhere in the Grange Hill/Byker Grove sort of drama. It suddenly hit me that Mouse (as the boy was called) would now be in his fifties and I was so upset that I woke up and then so unsettled that I couldn’t get back to sleep.
So I was upset about the ageing of a fictional character, but the kicker was that he was a fictional fictional character who never existed at all, except in that dream.
Of course I was sad for my own lost youth and that of my school pals, but it was odd that I couldn’t shake this off once I’d immediately realised that.
I think that rich/spicy food is probably the culprit as we had a bit of creamy curry for dinner. If I have to take chillis out of my diet too then I am basically left with nothing I like, except coffee and surely they’ll be coming for that soon too.
I think in the night I also had a half dream where I worked out how to fix the little flaps on the veg drawers in our fridge freezer. They came off a couple of years ago and I couldn’t work how to get them back on again. Nothing seemed to work, so they’re just been lying on top of where they’re meant to go and falling off and being annoying. My wife has threatened to throw them away. Nothing I did seemed to work. But in my half sleep or in subsequent tiredness I came up with a plan to fix it. What if, rather than trying to push one end in and then get the other end in, they just snapped into place? I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of this before or indeed why I suddenly thought of it now. But clearly I had had a message from the cosmos to stop my suffering because when I went down to the fridge freezer I found that this was exactly the way to mend the issue.
I felt both a genius and an idiot.
Paul McCartney dreamed “Yesterday” and I dreamed how to fix my fridge. Some people might think these are not equal gifts from the dreamosphere, but I honestly think I’d prefer to have a properly functioning fridge. You might say that if I’d written Yesterday I could afford to buy a new fridge freezer every day or have a room built in my house made of ice, with blocks of glacier brought down from the North Pole every day. But I still think this was a nice nudge from whoever it is that zaps ideas into our heads in our sleep.