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Thursday 2nd November 2023

Of course I woke up at 5am. I mean why wouldn't I? I tried to get back to sleep but gave up by 8. I had a day in Norwich, the most wonderful six words in the English language. But there wasn't really time to do anything fun - I might have driven over to see the Herring Bridge if I hadn't had stuff to do - as I needed to prep for two more fucking podcasts. After having done all the admin required for last night's podcasts. It was a bit too many podcasts.
But I had a feeling that tonight would be a special show. Unusually I had two guests who were both older than me (Jeff Innocent and Joe Pasquale) , but both had interesting stories to tell about their careers and I knew they'd be unpredictable in different ways. It turned out to be an incredibly funny night with so many things happening that I could not have begun to predict. There is some snobbery towards some of the older school comedians (Les Dennis had this too) and I understand why comedy fans are like that, because I was once, but there's a reason someone has a career that lasts over four decades and Pasquale is a lot more daring and surprising than some of the newer, cooler comedians. That podcast was up there with Brian Blessed (though I maybe got a little bit more to say, but not much) but with much more added anarchy and honesty and some somehow hilarious stories about the terrible mishaps that have befallen him.
He's a charming and modest man off stage too - very excited to be on the podcast. It's not out for a few months but you are going to love this one.
Jeff Innocent was les excited to be on the podcast and deliciously dismissive of the Emergency Questions, but it's fascinating to talk to him, not only because he's a great stand up but because thanks to social media he's had a sudden flurry of fame in his late sixties, which he's having to cope with. He's enjoying it, I think, but it's very weird for him after over 25 years in the business (and he started stand up late, in his early 40s, which is nowadays unusual and fascinating too).
There were a few more people in tonight, but a good chunk of them had come to both nights, which I am very grateful for and even more importantly they were an incredibly receptive crowd, which just helps so much. The shows flew by.
We'd been worried about the storm and considered staying over night and leaving early in the morning, but although rain battered the theatre roof and water dripped down on to the stage (slightly concerning at a time when so many public buildings have dodgy roofs that might collapse) the tempest did not really arrive in Norwich and though the car was buffeted at times on the drive back, there were no delays and we were home by 12.30am.

And talking of theatres with fucked roofs, if you've already booked for Cardiff RHLSTP you should get an email about new date and location imminently. Hope you can make it! Tickets will be on sale to everyone else on 12th November! Obviously you can get refund if you can't make new date but the email will explain all!

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