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Sunday 23rd January 2022


Ernie is really insistent about the magic wand. Not a toy one. A real magic one. I have to make this happen for my boy’s happiness. If there are any wizards out there with a spare actually magic wand, then please get in touch. Though I fear what mayhem the boy would create with it. He’s enough of a danger without magical abilities.

We managed to do the morning in bed thing again today too, but the kids were also in the bed. We watched the first Incredibles film and half of the second one. It was actually a pretty nice way to start the day. Maybe we should just keep them off school and do this every day. 

Michael Fabricant seems to have taken over the Toby Young role in the Tory party - basically the buffoon who is prepared to go on TV and defend anything and everything that the government is doing, regardless of common sense or facts. I preferred the more subtle comedy character of Young, puffed up and pompous beyond his abilities, but it was at least believable that this deluded character actually thought the things he was saying. For me a comedy character is better if it seems real and it’s a bit devalued if you have to stoop to putting them in funny glasses or give them big teeth or, I don’t know, a ridiculous wig that is clearly fooling no one.
And Toby Young’s was only an obliquely comedy name. Toby is one of those names that comedy writers of limited imagination is funny and I suppose there was a joke in calling him “Young” when he was clearly middle-aged and had the views of a decrepit old fogey.
But whoever came up with Michael Fabricant, again went for a comedy name. They perhaps thought that they couldn’t call him Michael Fabricated as that is a bit too much on the nose. So make him some like a fabricated replicant who is taking the Michael…. I am glad they at least stepped back from going the full 12 yards and calling him Michael Fabricunt. I have always thought “normal” names were funnier.Ian Harrison. That’s a much better joke name for a flunky who has no personality of their own.
I will give the writers something. It is a good parody of the Tories to have someone stand there lying to us with his hair, without even saying a thing. The Tories can’t even tell the truth with their own hair. But have the effrontery to stand there lying and not even attempting to make the lie seem believable. In fact they seem insistent on bare-faced lying and making the lie deliberately unbelievable, but know that if they double down then they will sort of get away with it. For long enough that people stop caring. 
They didn’t think of putting Dominic Cummings in a funny wig - maybe deciding shaving off his hair would make him look funny enough or that it would be more amusing just to put a man who should never wear a beanie hat in a beanie hat. But he still sat there insisting that he took a drive for 40 miles down country lanes with his family in the back to test that his eyesight was good enough for him to drive on a motorway. Why so far? Why risk his family’s lives? Why not on the kind of road he’d be driving on? All good questions that I don’t think anyone directly asked him. But everyone much have thought it. 
But he got away with it - while he was still useful. It’s an amazing thing to witness. It’s so blatant that even I am beginning to question whether Fabricant’s hair might be real. Despite the evidence of my eyes, despite the clue in his comedy name. If you’re so insistent about the most ridiculous lie, then people will start to question themselves, rather than the lie. And that's how we've ended up with the fucked up world that we're currently existing in.

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