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Thursday 25th January 2024

I don't know if it's all down to only having a 10 hour eating window, but weight is dropping off (actually lost a kilo since yesterday - though I am also back eating healthy food in the most part). Too many times I've lost weight, then it's started creeping back on and I've lost heart, but I am now very close to my pre Christmas weight and if I keep losing a kilo a day I could be invisible by the end of April. I'm back exercising again - today we had a meeting with one of the teachers after school and Catie drove home and I ran back. It's three and a half kilometres so that was a nice little work out. I hoped I might beat Catie home, but no luck. When I was undressing tonight I did a jokey display of my guns for my wife and I think it's the first time she's noticed that I am actually getting a little bit muscly. I think she went slightly giddy. I've still got it. Not much of it.
I can, for the moment at least, do something about my body, but my mind is starting to fall apart. I used to have very sharp and instant recall for almost everything - I found learning lines ridiculously easy- but now I occasionally get unpleasant blanks about facts or people's names. There's a joke in the new show about how I am 5 ft 7. I want to add a line that I am that height as long as you are pushing up the value from just under 5 ft 6, but every time I think about it I can't remember the term. Obviously I could google it and find out or ask someone - I just did and Catie immediately knew that I was looking for the phrase "rounding up". Of course I was. How could I blank that out? The joke doesn't work at all without that correct term. Why had it fallen out of my head, leaving nothing but a ruined ant trail between "if you're" and "up"? It's only going to get worse, but I fear for the repercussions if I find myself on another general knowledge quiz or House of Games Champion of Champions of Champions.
It's very tricky to learn new information, though a lot of stuff from forty years ago is stuck in there. If I try to read a history book about early medieval England which I didn't study at school or college, then no facts stick in my mind (partly because all the kings have almost the exact same name involving the suffix Aethel. I am idly trying to boost my French with an app, starting from scratch. Any words I knew from school are still in there, but anything new falls out of my brain like a post it note with no sticky bit.
I know that millionaire is trying to give himself the body and penis of an 18 year old (and the 18 year old isn't keen) but I'd much prefer to keep my mind in the same kind of state as it was when I was a teenager, capable of taking in all information like a sponge and being able to recall it quick enough to win lots of jackpots on the Give Us A Break quiz machine. Although if I could also get back to the quality and quantity of erections that I had in the 1980s (nearly all in vain, at least for reproductive purposes), I wouldn't say no. Good luck weird, pale millionaire who actually looks older than he is. God speed.

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