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Sunday 26th March 2023


And this is what not having the kids home was all about. I slept in til 7am, which would have been a bit of lie-in, until I realised the clocks had gone forward. So it was only 6am and basically my usual wake up time. But after an hour of messing around on my phone I managed to get back to sleep again and didn’t wake up until almost 11am. ELEVEN A M.
I was still pretty exhausted. But oh my God, what unearthly bliss. 
Just imagine how great my life would be if I’d never had kids or got married and could just be alone in my house the whole time, sleeping. I can’t imagine anything better.
And then just a delightful day of hanging out with Catie and chillaxing all cool. We went out to Wagamamas for lunch. It’s a place we often go with the kids, though Ernie has started to hate being there because he doesn’t like the way it smells (like me and the coffee shop in Weston-super-Mare). I can’t remember the last time Catie and me went to a Wagamamas on our own and though the food is the same, the non-child experience was indefinably gorgeous. You’re always a bit on edge as a parent of course, even if your kids are being good. Ours are reasonably well-behaved in restaurants, though Ernie usually goes ballistic at some point, but not having to worry about that happening and just enjoy the company of the woman I love…. I missed the kids of course (though if you’re reading this in the future kids, your mum said she wasn’t - so who loved you most? And why didn’t you love me most? I was the best). 

The Boat Race was on, but I didn’t watch it. Always the same two teams in the final (ha ha, I am funny). I can’t believe that it’s 19 years since I took part in The Other Boat Race. Maybe it’s time for a rematch. I think everyone involved is still alive. It means it’s also coming up to 19 years since I did my 50 dates in 50 days. Maybe I should do a rematch of that as well. Though my wife might not agree and given it almost killed me last time, I don’t think I’d make it through. It’d be interesting to find out what everyone is up to now though and how things turned out for them. The initial dating challenge should have been a whole show in itself. 

The kids came home. Phoebe said she’d missed her mum, but not me. Ah the delicious irony. It was luxurious to have a break from them, but the noise of their return was very welcome too. 

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