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Sunday 28th January 2024

I had a decent sleep last night, having gone to be quite early, but still absolutely crushed with tiredness and short tempered today. In non-holiday times I can take about two weeks of waking up with the kids and doing breakfasts etc and putting up with their antics, but then I finally crash and need a holiday or the blessed relief of death. Sadly I still keep breathing and I have some sort of legal obligation to care for these interlopers however bad I feel.
I got a bit cross with Ernie when he wouldn't do his spellings. And then felt bad about it.
We had a great Sunday roast courtesy of Catie (I did the last one) and then took the dog for a walk. I had been hoping to do a run today, but I could barely find the energy to walk, but I got a second wind on the way home. Wolfie ate the skellington of a dead bird and wouldn't drop it however much we told her too and also found another chunk of animal in the undergrowth which I did manage to convince her to leave. Yesterday I'd seen the hind leg of a rabbit or hare lying on the path. Nature is red in tooth and claw, but also will gobble stuff up after the redness has faded. She's just obeying her instincts, yet when I obey mine I am imprisoned for indecent exposure. It's one rule for humans and another for our dog overlords.
We gathered more fuel for the fire and brushed Wolfie, leaving huge chunks of her fur littering the countryside. As I've doubtless said before I always see this as recycling - a bird or a mouse can build a cosy nest with the residue - but it never happens. The fur just gets trampled into the ground until it disappears - though it can take a while to go. But putting nature back into nature cannot be considered littering and it if the birds and mice don't want to take advantage of this gift then fuck them. I am happy that Wolfie gollops them all up.
When we got home the kids made smores by microwaving a giant marshmallow between two chocolate hobnobs. I tried one. It was fascinatingly disgusting. But very much a snack where one (or actually it's two biscuits and a marshmallow, so probably three) is enough.
I had another early night in the hope of catching up on sleep. But I will catch up on my sleep when I am dead. Hopefully soon.
Not really. I wouldn't swap this life for anything, except for my previous life where I had none of this stuff.

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