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Tuesday 29th August 2017


Usually I get ill once the Fringe is over. So far, I am just exhausted. I had a stress headache today, but a chat with our project manager and the realisation that in the short term we can live in one room of our new house (whilst not being perfect, at least gives us the chance to get the lay of the land and plan for the new baby and work out where all our stuff is going to go) calmed us down a little bit. We have a terrifying amount of stuff to do in the next six weeks (though only one of us has to squeeze a baby out of them - but I am happy to do that, it was my turn) including bonding with our new dog, who we've met but not been able to spend any time with yet. At this point everything looks insurmountably difficult, but this whole year has been like that so far and we've got this far. We have to try and enjoy it all, because all of this (the non-work bits) is what life is about. We will end the year with a new family member and a lovely home to live in (that will still need loads doing to it, but that's for 2018). But here, at the end of August, unpacked boxes, unpacked womb and loads of new bits and bobs to get….. well it's all pretty terrifying.
I had to film loads of intros to podcasts and a campaign video for the upcoming RHLSTP series 12/Christmas Emergency Questions Kickstarter. Luckily my in-laws' garden provided a nice back drop to most of it. But it was hard to disguise my fatigue. Very much looking forward to getting both these projects off the ground though and am confident that Emergency Questions will come through for us again. This time the book is written and ready to go. Will let you know how you can make it happen.
In amongst all the new bits and pieces going up someone posted a link to this. It's an episode of The Net, series 2. Weirdly I have no memory of doing this. It must have been a big deal for me. Like Rod Hull, I was rarely asked to do anything without my irksome double act partner and this early on doing a bit of telly would have been a novelty. But beyond vague echoes of a memory (that are only there because I have now watched the video) it's a total blank.
Of course this clip is funny for many, many reasons: my face, voice and clothes for starters, plus my inability to say anything without first washing it in irony and sarcasm (simultaneously) presumably for fear that if I expressed an honest opinion I might be judged for it. Weirdly that was more a prediction of what the web would become than nearly anything else in the piece.
But it's a little social document. Web King Rob Sedgebeer (the man who did our Fist of Fun website and is still my goblin internet wizard to this day) pointed out that bookmarks and favourites used to be called your “hotlist”. He commented “Burgh” and with good reason.
Of course my (obviously) sarcastic closing remark that the internet would replace TV (as if nothing could do that) is unintentionally properly ironic. Look at me dissing the internet when it has now become my home. I dared laugh in its face and the internet has gained sentience and had the last laugh by imprisoning me in here. But I clearly have Stockhausen Syndrome because I like being a prisoner (and listening to discordant music).
What an odd world and an odd job that I can be transported back to my past and see what a young douche I was, laughing at myself out of embarrassment. Not that that has changed.

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