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Sunday 3rd December 2023

Our flight wasn't until 3.30pm so we had most of the day to kill at Edinburgh airport. I had hoped to sleep in, but no luck and was up by 7am and so I did some work and had my breakfast and then once we were kicked out of our rooms we sat in the bar for a bit.
Then we made our way over to the airport early and had some lunch and I did a bit of shopping. It was already a boring waste of a day, but then our flight was delayed, even though the plane arrived early. Apparently there weren't enough staff at the airport and so we were left queuing at the gate for about 45 minutes. I had speedy boarding because we'd brought an extra suitcase of merch, but I wished I didn't have speedy boarding. Without speedy boarding I could be sat down and wait til the last minute to board, but with it I was reluctant to lose my place in the speedy boarding queue and so was getting tired with all the standing. Only an idiot gets speedy boarding - I had had it thrust upon me. But I was still an idiot. I could have just thought screw it and sat down.
Then we were allowed through the gate where we had to queue on a cold stair case for another 30 minutes. It was like a punishment for speedy boarding arrogance and we all deserved it.
Finally we got on the plane which didn't move for ages as they had to take some bags off for a check of some kind, but at least I was sitting down. It gave me time to wonder about what it's like to be in a plane crash. If a plane you're on explodes or crashes into a mountain do you know anything or is death instantaneous? Obviously you probably have a few seconds of knowing death is coming, but is it a horrible firey  painful death or just lights out?
Hopefully I'll never get to find out, but, if it does I'll try and write a blog as I burn to let you guys know. I'm guessing it's pretty bad either way. I hope to die in 30 years time in my bed. But I want to be awake when I die too. It only happens once. Don't want to miss it.
Luckily the flight was incident free and we got back to a rainy Luton airport, got in a cab and got home by about six. There was a mini party going on with other parents and kids from the school which was a weird thing to walk into after my lost day at the airport. The kids wanted me to play tickle monster, though I was tired and felt that it wasn't quite appropriate with other people's kids. So I caught my own kids and they then cried about being caught. I warned the about blocking doors as our doors are old and the handles will break. Then one of the handles broke off. And one of the kids got angry and flushed some "jewels" down the toilet. It was a bit much!
Nice to be home.

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