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Tuesday 30th November 2021

Dry Janvember done.

I don’t understand how I got anything done today - I’m still ill, it’s the day after a RHLSTP and I had five hours sleep max, but somehow I woke up ready to achieve (or at least tick stuff off my to do list) and motored through the whole day - not doing anything as essential as write my new book, but pretty much everything else I needed to do. I dropped the kids off at school, went to check the tyre pressure on our other car (as I am now stupidly paranoid - it was ok, though the passenger side front tyre was a bit low, so it was worth doing), popped to the supermarket where I did some work in the cafe, came home, did my final rewrite on Relativity (which we’re recording the final scenes of on the 9th and 10th of December) and then had lunch.
My son was home after swimming and I played with him for a bit and we had some excellent cuddles. He is a very affectionate boy (like his dad) and I asked him if he could hug and kiss me for the rest of his life. He was sure he would. "Even when you’re grown up?" I asked and he was still confident. So I have included this here as a binding contract in case the 14+ year-old Ernie is more reticent to show how much he loves his dad. I will never be reticent Ernie. We sat squeezed together in one arm chair, him watching telly and me doing some emails and it was just the best thing.
Just enough of the time parenting is so good that it makes up for the rest of the time. 
We’re working up a new kickstarter to help pay for the live streaming of the next series of RHLSTP and that also put me in mind to start ebaying some of the cool rarities I have found in my attic. The proceeds of this will also go towards making more content. It includes my lockdown RHLSTP notebook, complete luxury Fist of Fun DVD set, membership card #2 for stone clearing and snooker and a prized RHLSTP Rubik’s Cube. Bid here.
They’ve already got quite pricy, but they are very special items - and great Christmas gifts.
After dinner I walked the dog - I am feeling just about well enough for that now and my back is more or less pain free- and recorded stone clearing chapter 110. I used my new fancy headphones. I think the audio came out pretty well given the windy conditions. But I haven’t listened back to more than a few seconds. Because I am not an idiot. But if you are an idiot then listen in here. 
But that wasn’t me done. Once the kids were in bed I went to the attic, (on the 10th anniversary of the time I first went down into the basement - that mirror got broken a few years later, explaining all my bad luck), and recorded frame 122 of Me1 Vs Me 2 Snooker.  It was an eventful frame, with celebrity guest appearances and an earthquake and some amazing two ball breaks. It will be up in the usual places on  Wednesday if you want to join the celebrations. I have failed in this long decade to get the audience down to zero, but it’s getting close and it surely can’t be long.

How had I done all this? I am not sure. I did suddenly feel a bit tired once I was downstairs again, but stayed up for a couple of hours anyway. I am a machine.

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