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Wednesday 30th March 2022


It's nice that our kids get to do a drama class every week, but the payback comes when we have to go and watch their shows! They are now in two different classes, so that meant watching kids under 10 of varying abilities doing barely audible plays for almost two hours tonight. Ernie was pretty distracted in his - he had one line, which he kept shouting out at different times. As his line was “I'm in a bad mood” we didn't know if he was playing a part of kicking off. He seemed more interested in looking at his hands than taking part in any of the dances. I am not saying it wasn't fun to watch him, because it was, but he wasn't in the thing very much. The problem is you also have to watch a dozen or so other kids doing their stuff and without the brainwashed allegiance to them that comes with genetics, that is quite a tedious thing to endure
Ernie was the best at shouting his name out at the end though. So that's something. He was a crocodile, I know that much, but don't ask me what the play was about because I couldn't tell you. One out of ten. And Ernie was the worst one in it. Totally unengaged.

Phoebe was a punk werewolf in hers, a slightly grittier play about a vampire and a werewolf who wanted to be friends, that borrowed heavily from Romeo and Juliet. I am not saying that Shakespeare should sue. I am saying he should rewrite. Phoebe was more engaged and said her line at the correct time and only once. Also she had a costume which proclaimed “Punk Isn't Dead” on it, which I took as a nod towards my play of almost the same name. We hadn't the baton on to the next generation.
 As the kids were older it was a bit more entertaining and I will give it two stars. But if I wanted to spend two hours bored in theatre, I could have gone to the theatre.
I could have watched a film in this time, with special effects and proper grown-up actors. What a waste of my valuable time.

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