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Saturday 4th December 2021


I don’t want to have sex with Einstein, but I suppose you have to take what you’re given. Apparently there’s some more attractive robots from 14 seconds on, but I’d already finished by then.

Risked my first run since my sub 25 minute Park Run three weeks ago and did a slow 4km run up the hill and back. It was OK, but maybe too early as I am still struggling with this bloody bug (not Covid - I did a lateral flow test today). But it felt good to be running and I don’t want to let it slide just because I’ve done the half marathon.

We took it easy for the morning - Catie was out so I let the kids watch TV, but was punished for my laziness when Ernie accidentally head-butted me in the mouth with the back of his head. There was a bit of blood (from me this time) and I worried for a second that I might have loosened a tooth, but I was just left with a sore lip. I suppose every father has to face the time when they are challenged for superiority by their son. I just didn't think it would happen so soon.
Or was it just subtle revenge for me not looking after his head last week?
Bloody hurt though.

An Amazon man came to the door and was struggling to get his machine to work so he could verify my age for my alcohol free beer - so much this year that would have been unpredictable even months ago, but not only do I now get alcohol free beer delivered, but you still have to be over 18 to receive. The dog was barking as usual and Ernie ran to the door and said to the delivery man “I am so sorry about our dog making all that noise” in the most formal manner. I loved that he had taken it on himself to make this apology.

We went to a Christmas walk and fayre at the kids’ school in the afternoon. You had to create a Christmas word with letters hidden in various locations. I realised the answer was “Snowflakes” after only getting W L O S and A. Because I am a genius.
Phoebe stood in some dog shit and I had to clean her shoe with a wet wipe, which I then had to carry around for a while as I couldn’t find a bin. It was a real Christmas miracle.

We had dinner at a packed Pizza Express. This used to be my favourite restaurant (I even had lunch in a Pizza Express for my 40th birthday), but the pizza doesn’t seem anywhere near as good as it used to. Has it changed or have I? It was a fun time though and the kids were pretty good. My daughter very politely asked the waitress if she could have a baby seat for her toy penguin and the waitress said she’d do her best if there was one free. We told her not to trouble herself as she was extremely busy and she didn’t indulge my child. But we were again impressed with the confidence my daughter had to ask this and also the very polite way she asked for it. These two are uncouth monsters when at home, but put on a civilised facade in front of strangers, which is how it should be.

And I managed some actual non-family socialising tonight as Catie and me walked up to the local pub for a fun pub quiz. I wasn’t on top quizzing form and we played our joker on the wrong round. I talked myself out of some correct answers and we came in a disappointing 5th place. The music round had ten artists and the initial letters would spell a Christmas saying. The first artist was Jamiroquai and so I immediately knew that the phrase was "Joyeux Noel" and confidently wrote XTC in the 6th box (whilst aware it could be X Ray Specs, but unlikely) but didn't get any extra points for that.
A literature round began with "Who wrote For Whom The Bell Tolls?" and I, not unreasonably asked if the question master meant the novel or the poem. He didn't know and so was flung into the ravine himself... I am very clever. It was the novel but I knew that John Donne wrote the poem. I didn't get any extra points and everyone in the pub thought I was a dick. But still.
There was a great community spirit and loads of people taking part and I felt glad to be a part of it. But also deeply strange to be in a packed restaurant and then a packed pub again. I suspect we will all pay for this pretty soon. 

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