This morning we recorded an ad insert for RHLSTP which was a mash-up with Drunk Women Solving Crime, so I recorded my bit, whilst Catie was doing hers in the next room. Which is a weird way to talk to your wife, but I think I might do it always from now on.
The latest big discovery for Zoe diet is that dark chocolate can count as one of your plant intake and scores relatively highly (compared to a solero) so I have been testing my chocolate addiction and seeing if I can make 85% or 90% chocolate my sweet (ish) treat. It's working out pretty well, as I think Dairy Milk is my real addiction and you can really only eat a couple of pieces of dark chocolate until you feel you've probably had enough. I am struggling to eat all my meals in an 8 to 10 hour period, which is the latest recommendation. I like to have an early breakfast and so unless I have dinner at 4 and then stop eating it's going to be tricky. And I've enjoyed having olives and nuts as my post-kids' bedtime snack.
The plateau continues. After the hectic Sunday where I didn't drink much water, I suddenly lost a kilo and was down close to 82kg, but today it bounced back over 83 again. Which is what I've been doing for a couple of weeks. I am not getting too frustrated though, because four months ago I was 94kg. And though I'd like to keep going downwards I am not obsessing over weight. My energy is still mainly good (as long as I am not queueing for a plane for 90 minutes) and my body looks more toned than before. I reckon weight will start dropping off again soon, buy maybe I will have to eat fewer salt and vinegar peanuts.
I'd rather die.
Another exciting snooker frame tonight - up in the usual places.