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Friday 8th December 2023

After my personal training session - I am smashing it out of the park and though some might argue there is some way to go, the change in my body shape after four months of taking all this shit seriously is remarkable. My weight this morning was the lowest yet 82.3kg but I expect the yoyo to go back to 83.1kg tomorrow. It's like clockwork.
I recorded some ads and a link for a new Emergency Questions compilation. The clips of RHLSTP really made me laugh. I don't generally listen back to the shows and if I stop to think about it I worry it might have lost some of its magic after so long, but most of these clips were recent and they were interesting and funny and the guy hosting it really made me laugh, just as much as the brilliant guests. Maybe I am not terrible or mediocre after all. Oh, I am definitely mediocre, but that's a big step up from how I usually rate myself. I wouldn't say I have imposters syndrome, because anyone recognising it as a syndrome is acknowledging the fact that they are not an imposter (that they just imagine they are, but know it's a syndrome). I am an imposter. Don't know how I've got away with it for so long. But delighted that I have. None of it matters.
I did my monthly Acast Plus Emergency Questions podcast with Ally. It was fun and I decided that as a Christmas treat we'll put this one out for everyone. It might tempt a few more people to join but mainly it's a nice Christmas present for the dedicated listeners and it'll be nice for more than 300 people to hear these occasionally!
Having listened to the Twelve Days of Christmas on Wednesday, I had some stuff to say about that song. But it reminded me that every time I hear it I think about some obscure American TV show from probably 40 or more years ago where they changed the words to the song to be all about cakes. I can't remember what the show was (I saw it a couple of times at least) or what the cakes were on days 2 to 12, but the Partridge in a pear tree of this song was " a de-licious chocolate eclair". In my mind those are the lyrics I sing whenever this song plays. I don't know why that has stuck with me - perhaps I recognised how badly it scanned and what a shit idea it was anyway and so was lightly taking the piss to begin with, but for whatever reason, those words, probably penned by someone long dead, will stick with me until I die. And then that will probably be the end of it for that particular lyric. I don't think anyone else will remember it. Apart from maybe you, who will remember not the source material, but me writing about it. But you're probably 45 so that's not going to keep the thing going for much longer. it's right that it should die. I doubt that even any of the people who sang it in the original show remember it (if any of them are still living) and I might be the only viewer who still thinks about it (and not just occasionally, but every Christmas season and sometimes in the middle of the year. It's an odd echo of the past. We all have stupid little real life memes that our brain pointlessly hangs on to. Because our brains are idiots. Anyway, I don't talk about that in the podcast, but you'll get to hear me singing "The Greatest Love of All" with an impressive memory of nearly all the lyrics if you tune in on Christmas Day.

And to try and tempt you into buying tickets to my new tour, we've given away my last stand up  tour show FOR FREE! You can watch Oh Frig I'm 50! here Tell your friends. And come to the new show for the love of God.
Don't just wait for me to give the video out for free to promote my next tour.

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