The new DVD arrived this morning. More than one in fact. Eight massive boxes of the things. Chris Evans (not that one) has a load more and you can order one here. If you order before the end of Friday then you will be entered into a draw to win the solid gold (plastic) crown that I wore in the photo shoot. Plus, whilst stocks last everyone who orders the DVD will get a set of the promotional stickers that were made for the 2014 Edinburgh Fringe run and then proved to be too small to be of any real use for anything but annoying Ray Peacock by sticking them on his posters. So they’re pretty rare, but I think there’s enough for a couple of hundred people. So don’t delay.
For the first time for one of my solo DVDs we’ve packaged it in the traditional large plastic case, rather than cardboard sleeves. Oh no, hold on, they did that for Christ and a Bike and Hitler Moustache too. So it’s the third time. But someone else packaged those DVDs so it’s still the first time gofasterstripe have done it. And there is a whole disc of extras including the 90 minute interview I did at the University of Kent, an audio frame of Me1 vs Me2 Snooker and loads of backstage interviews. It is good.
It was exciting to see the finished article, and only mildly depressing to see how much weight I’ve put on in the six months since we filmed it (and I was already getting chunky even then). If you don’t have a DVD player then I expect it will be released as a download at some point, but you will only get the extras on the old-fashioned technology.
You can read more about it in my extra newsletter. Or subscribe by putting your email in the box here.
I was amazed to find myself in the chart of hardest working comedians in the UK in 2015, mainly because I don’t think I’ve ever made any chart of comedians ever put together before and assumed that I was exempt for some reason. But then once I’d seen the list and saw that I was 20th after a load of right lazy sods I actually felt a bit aggrieved. I may be shit at comedy and relatively unsuccessful, but I work really hard. That’s all I have. Admittedly in 2015 I worked a bit less hard because I had to look after a stupid baby, but I still produced more “comedy” than anyone else. I did a tour, I did 38 podcast recordings and I did all 12 of my one man shows. Not to mention my snooker podcasts (not mentioned because they are classified as sport and not comedy, but hopefully will see me in the sporting list). I bet none of those other so-called “hard-working” so-called “comedians did more than 2 different shows this year. I performed over 18 hours of different material. Ents24 can stick their chart up their 24 arses. Thanks for the mention though guys. I am really chuffed to be in a list. And furiously angry.
And I was delighted to see that there is a new Nespresso shop in the Westfield. Not only does this make it much easier for me, a middle-aged man, to attract an inappropriately younger woman by impressing them with my ability to drink an espresso, but if you go in there and pretend that you’re interested in buying some coffee, but you can’t choose which coffee you want, then they’ll take you over to their little espresso bar and make you as many free coffees as you want. Don’t be a chump and go to Costa or Starbucks where they’ll charge you £3 for the privilege. Just go into the Nespresso shop, look like you’re the kind of person who drinks Nespresso (probably by eyeing up some people who are too young and sexy to be interested in you, unless you drank Nespresso) and then look a bit confused about which flavour capsules you should buy and then it’s as much free coffee as you can drink.
I don’t know how they would feel if you just sat at the bar and got out a paper or a computer and stayed in the shop for three hours. But give it a go. And every time they look like they might throw you out look a bit confused about which coffee you want and get to try another one. In fact if the person serving you is much too young and sexy to be seen with you, as soon as you’ve drunk the first Nespresso they will be so sexually attracted to that they will do anything you want. So you should be fine.
And don’t forget, if you’re hungry, they usually have a tray of free sample chocolates in Hotel Chocolat. It’s a bit of a walk away and I don’t know if Nespresso will let you take your coffee with you, or if Hotel Chocolat will allow you to walk out with the tray. But again. Worth a try. If you can’t carry the Nespresso cup out of the shop then store some Nespresso in your cheeks and then spit it in the face of the young and sexy lady in Hotel Chocolat and she will know you’ve been drinking Nespresso and will fall in love with you and let you have all the chocolates for free.
And if that doesn’t work then just head to the lifts and wait in the hope that a pregnant woman will give you a blow job. It’s all happening in Shepherd’s Bush.
The podcast with Eddie Izzard is now up on video here
itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/richard-herrings-video-leicester/id922855595?mt=2
And on audio here http://www.comedy.co.uk/podcasts/richard_herring_lst_podcast/episode_90_eddie_izzard/