Informed Edinburgh review of WILA

2 star review from Andrew Jeffrey

Informed Edinburgh review of RHEFP

4 star review from Lewis Bremner

Three Weeks

Four star review in Three Weeks

Scotsman review of RHEFP

Brief 3 star review from Simon McKenzie

British Comedy Guide review of WILA

Graeme Strachan gives 4 star review

Scotsman review of What Is Love, Anyway

4 star review from Jay Richardson

Broadway Baby review of WILA

5 stars from Richard O' Brien

I know this much is true - Observer

Euan Ferguson interviews

Edinburgh Festivals review of RHEFP

4 star review from Tom Farrington

Fest review of WILA

4 star review from Malcolm Jack

STV review of WILA

Michael MacLennan reviews difficult 1st Sunday gig

Chortle review of WILA

Steve Bennett gives 4 stars

Independent review of WILA

Juilian Hall gives good 3 star review

Gigglesbeat interview

Andrew Dipper talks to me about my 20th Fringe preview

Dave Pollock interviews

Spoonfed interview

Ruper Uzzell asks the questions - plus one that didn't make it on to the website

Venue magazine review of WILA

Regina Papachlimitzou reviews Bristol preview

This is Nottingham review of WILA

Steve Oliver reviews preview at Just The Tonic 10/7/11

Interview with

Nancy Groves interviews

Epping Forest Guardian interview

George Nott interviews

The New Current interviews me

TNC interviews about Edinburgh

Sabotage Times interview

John Rain interviews

Media Funhouse on AIOTM

Manhattan based cable channel on five favourite podcaste

Evening Standard Interview

Amira Hashish interviews