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Sunday 24th September 2023

The extra energy isn't infinite. After Ernie woke me up at 6am and we'd had another full day of activity (including a family dog walk) I fell asleep on the sofa. But a 15 minute almost-nap (where dreams and reality combined and I was half conscious and half in dream) recharged me pretty much completely.
We had a good day though. We played games, watched films, had dinner at the table like people from the Elizabethan (II) era, where the kids made me laugh all meal and the walk was lots of fun too. We played a game where we had to try and make each other laugh, but if you laughed you lost. It was easy to make Ernie laugh, just mention poo or farts in a vaguely imaginative way. He got frustrated at always losing and lost his temper, which made both me and Phoebe laugh, so he won that round.
I am not sure if being exhibited in an art gallery has gone to Phoebe's head, but we popped into an open studio of a local artist friend of ours. Her paintings were of sunsets and colourful skies, in a mildly abstract way and Phoebe claimed that her paintings were much better than this and she could easily make something like this, just by splodging paint around. The artist didn't hear (though I think she'd have found it funny), but of course there was a little bit more to it than that. Or was there? Had the child seen through adult pretension. Phoebe's picture is on an impressive £50 in the auction, but these paintings were going for several hundred. So we'll have to let the market decide.

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