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Monday 25th September 2023

I was all Gaz Top Non Stop today, as I got stuff done. After getting the kids breakfast I dropped them at school and then went to the supermarket and then got a call saying my new glasses were ready in Welwyn. My current ones are falling apart, as anyone who's been to RHLSTP will attest - then breaking on my face has become my recent catchphrase. So I dropped off the groceries and then drove to WGC to get the new ones. The prescription is a little stronger, but the glasses really made everything sparklingly clear. I suspect it's mainly because the lenses are clean and unscratched, so I will enjoy the world in amazing 6D until I fuck these ones up too.
Then I got home and made an amazing healthy lunch of butterbeans and courgette, topped with a herby salad. It was pretty astonishing. By the time I'd walked the dog, I only had a few minutes to make the kids a snack and then pick them up from school. We briefly went home, to change into old clothes and then I had to take them to their art class. I got to have an hour to myself, but had forgotten to bring my computer or my headphones so couldn't do too much. The man behind the counter didn't look old enough to remember TMWRNJ, but he told me a bit about his favourite sketch. I do not mind at all that people remember stuff from a quarter of a century ago. Though it's not many people, which makes it easier!
Then I picked up the kids. Ernie had taken off his old jumper exposing his school uniform beneath to the dangers of paint, but he hadn't been too badly splattered. We battled against roadworks to get home and then I put them some lasagne in the oven and we took the dog out for her evening walk (I should have mentioned and I could go back and edit it in, but fuck it, Catie was in town recording her podcast). The kids brought their bikes and even though I was walking I briefly risked letting Ernie cycle on the actual road. He did pretty well though. Luckily because Catie would have been annoyed if I'd killed one of them.
I made my dinner as the kids ate their dinner and then somehow got the boy to bed and watched one ep of Ghosts US with the girl and then got her to bed too.
Ernie had been remarking on how stinky I was, but it wasn't surprising as I'd been moving around all day and had not had time for a shower, so I had a quick bath and read about the Winchester bone chests. That was more or less my only me time today. And I used it to read about the bones of dead kings. And I think that was a good use of time. I must have gone to bed and fallen asleep, but I don't really recall. I somehow floated into the dreamscape and another day of my life was gone.

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