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Tuesday 28th November 2023

I didn't realise I had an exclusive (not sure I quite did, but never mind that) but the Rob Reiner podcast has made news all over the world in a way that only the Stephen Fry ep has done before, with the news that Spinal Tap 2 is in the works. Obviously it had taken all the effort in the world not to ask "Is it going to be shit?" but it was too early in the interview to risk a walk-out and to be fair, it might not be. The people involved are fucking masters. Fans though are hard to please. I know because I am a huge fan of all those guys and look what a cunt I am.
But thankfully all the journalists credited the podcast in the story and the numbers on that ep got a little bit of a bump (though still fairly modest for such a big name) and it's another example of how a little podcast can (pretty much inadvertently) create ripples.

The new diet continues to be sustainable, enjoyable and energy giving. I have plateaued a little bit, but have lost 11 to 12 kg in the last three and a bit months and am still 2kg lighter than I was a month ago. I am now around 83kg, a weight I'd be very happy to stay at, but it will be interesting to see how far I can go. 0kg is my ultimate aim, but hoping that will be a few years away yet. The best thing about it all is how content and energetic I am feeling. Once again I will tell you young people that drugs are all well and good, but if you aren't into the ones that make you hallucinate, eating healthily and doing a bit of exercise is in my limited experience a much longer and more satisfying high. Don't do heroins at night - eat a tuna stir fry in the morning and then go for a walk in the winter sun and wait to be elevated to another plane.
I just wish I had started doing this when I was young and when being in shape might have helped me be more attractive to the opposite sex (or same sex - a mouth's a mouth). But I kept eating crap or occasionally trying to lose weight by still eating crap, just less of it. It's so obvious that eating mainly healthy and unprocessed foods will make you feel good and get you fit and yet I still persisted in thinking there might be another way. Or just tried to overcome depression by consuming more of the stuff that was making me depressed.
Hey look kids, I am not a health food nut and I am still pretty cool and down with it. Oh yeah, I have the occasional Solero or alcohol free beer, which the app do NOT recommend. So yeah, I'm chill and fun to hang out with. As long as I can get to bed about 10pm and no one is drinking or doing drugs or eating chocolate or pastries and doesn't mind an old beanfaced, bean-filled man farting in the corner. So ring me.
I've seen lots of people chase happiness through things that usually make them less happy in the end, whether it's drugs, booze, fame, stone-clearing or sex with an endless string of strangers. And I have to tell you only the sex with an endless string of strangers works. And eating stir fry for breakfast and bread you've made out of oats and seeds. You'll see it eventually yourself, unless you die of a drug overdose or STIs before you get there. Or a Solero gets caught in your throat. Can happen.
I guess the problem is that most of us want to get fit or be happy without really changing any of the things that are making us sluggish and miserable. I know I wanted to give up drinking alcohol years ago (and tried a few times) but felt that without it I wouldn't have the confidence to socialise and that no one else would want to hang around with me. It's so much of the social and dating culture, I know. Or it feels that way.
You have to be old to get high off of pulses (I made a great split pea curry tonight and a terrific salmon and black bean dish with barley for lunch). If they just made them illegal then maybe the kids would be into it, buying an eighth of lentils or pumpkin seeds behind the bike sheds (that's where people sell drugs right?)
Anyway, I am 56 and I am off my fucking nut on fucking nuts. So bite me.

Badgers and Plussers- I have a very exciting pencilled guest for one of the 2024 shows. I don't reveal who it is yet, in case they can't do it, but I do reveal which gig it is and I strongly suggest you book now. I will get someone great whatever, but if this one gets confirmed it will sell out STRAIGHT AWAY!

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