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Wednesday 29th November 2023

Another 6km run today. I wish I'd worn gloves and it wasn't quite as effortless as the same run felt on Sunday, but I ran a bit faster and I made it. As I came down the hill towards my house my ankle buckled a bit beneath me. I thought I might have properly turned it, but I stopped and checked and it survived the scare without any real pain or discomfort.
It's my bad left ankle, which occasionally plays up, because back in about 1990 I had been at a party in Clapham Junction and a sober friend was driving the rest of us drunks home to Acton. He had one of those old three door cars (where the boot counts as a door) where you had to lift up the front seat to get in the back. I was going in first, but caught my foot in something as I tried to pile into the back. I stopped and Stewart Lee who was coming in next just pushed me into my seat, but my foot stayed where it was and it was pretty severely twisted. I was drunk enough to not really worry about it at the time, though I am sure it still hurt, but in the morning it had swelled up and I could barely walk and I was in a lot of pain. Of course I didn't go to hospital or the doctors (I don't think we even had a GP or would have known how to contact one), so I just hobbled around for a few weeks or months until it no longer hurt. Absolutely stupid but standard behaviour.
Ever since that ankle has been weaker and prone to spraining or just aching in the cold, but it's been a while since anything has happened and it's nice to have a physical scar from my relationship with Stew to go with all the mental ones. Today I was lucky, he only has to be lucky once.
Maybe my ankle has been so badly hurt that now it is completely flexible as it felt like I went at least 180 degrees in the wrong direction today, so this might be a super power. Very glad to not have picked up an injury though. The fitness regime can continue.

Once you've listened then have a watch of this, to see the doppleganger postman 
My wife says he doesn't lool anything like me, everyone else (including me) disagrees.

I did a cheeky lunchtime stone clear (no theme music as I still don't have my laptop back) 

And last night's snooker is up here 

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