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Thursday 28th February 2008

Days Without Alcohol - 60.

Whilst certainly not at peak fitness I was feeling significantly better today. I didn't have to spend every non-performing minute in bed and could move around without my body aching. I still have a cough and my throat is a bit rough, meaning that it was a croaky performance at the Arts tonight and one where I was not able to play around too much with subtle intonation or change in pitch, but it wasn't too bad a show.
Believe me, even this short and unpleasant illness has made me really appreciate my general good health and as I walked home tonight there was a little spring in my step as energy was returning to my limbs. Being ill sucks and I am relieved that it looks like this will be a short term thing. In fact it looks suspiciously like my immune system has been looking at my diary, worked out I had a week at home and decided that this was the time to shut everything down so I could recuperate.
I had a Lemsip Max during the interval tonight and then looking at the box realised that you aren't meant to have more than four in a 24 hour period. I realised I had had at least five. I considered how embarrassing it would be to die of a Lemsip overdose - it's not very rock n roll is it? Not very Heath Ledger. How people would laugh at me and I wouldn't be around to defend myself and say, "Hold on, it was Lemsip Max. MAX! That's pretty strong stuff." Luckily I got away with it despite my drug dependence. Hopefully I won't develop a dangerous Lemsip dependence. I could find myself in rehab with Winehouse and Doherty, with them mocking me for not being on heroins and cocaines like proper screw-ups. And they wouldn't even be impressed that it was Max Lemsip they would probably pity me more than if it was just regular Lemsip. But the thing is Lemsip is so lemony and delicious. If they don't want people becoming addicted to it they should really make it taste nasty. It's Ian Lemsip's fault for inventing such a tasty and efficacious drink. And when I am in the gutter, offering blowjobs for loose change in order to fund my dependence on that yellow powder (as well as having to fund the boiling of the water required to make it) I will rue the day I tried to go for this quick fix, rather than sitting my original illness out.

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