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Friday 29th February 2008

Days Without Alcohol -61

Feeling a bit better today, though still have a cough and needed a nap in the afternoon. But being over 40 it’s hard to tell if that’s to do with the lurgy or just plain old age.
The good news is that I finally got a response from Pizza Express. What can have prompted them to suddenly get back in touch I wonder? Didn’t hear from them for weeks and then after you lot start emailing suddenly they’re falling over themselves to write to me.
Here’s what Catherine Young had to say for herself:
“Hi Richard,
Thanks for your emails and please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
We totally agree with you about having the calories, fats etc of our food available and are working on getting this information to share with our customers. For now though would it help if you knew the nutritionals for the pizzas we sell in supermarkets? All our retail pizzas are based on our restaurant pizzas and whenever we can we use the same ingredients. We pro-rata the toppings on our retail pizzas accordingly to account for the differing 8” and 12” sizes. We will shortly be able to give you an idea about the Etna pizza too as we’re launching this in supermarkets next month.

In response to your comment about the Veneziana pizza, the 25p is really discretionary. If you don’t want to donate it, you don’t have to. It’s not mandatory. Just let your waiter know.

Hope this helps.

If you want to discuss anything further, email your number and we’ll give you a call.


That seems like a little bit of a shift in attitude, don’t you think? Clearly demonstrating the power of my childish and vindictive army of losers. Whilst she hasn’t actually offered me any figures, there is the promise of some to follow. She even wants my number, which makes me wonder if she might be harbouring more feelings for me than would officially go with her position. Perhaps something beautiful will develop between Catherine and me and one day we shall be wed. I hope so, cos I am guessing she gets a lot of free pizza. I know you shouldn’t really marry someone for their pizza. But I am just a man, crafted in flesh, and I can’t help my instincts.
I think she is wrong about the Veneziana thing though, unless Pizza Express has changed policy. Both times I have asked at restaurants the waiters have said the till has no facility to subtract the quarter of a pound. I wrote to tell her this and hopefully that won’t put her off me. Women like Venice and her knowing that I wish for it to be destroyed fractionally quicker than it would have been had they had my pizza money might put Catherine off me. Some people might think it is petty to deny Venice 25p after all it has done for us, but to me it is the principle of the matter. I love using my discretion when given the opportunity and to have that denied after a promise makes me angry and vindictive against all towns built stupidly on top of loads of water.

We also recorded the third Collings and Herrin podcast this morning. You can hear it here or if you like you can head to iTunes and subscribe to it on there. Collings is giddy like a small child about the idea of our podcast being on iTunes. It would be quite sweet if he wasn’t very nearly 43, so it is in fact just a bit strange and tragic. He emailed me this evening, with the smell of his damp knickers almost palpable in the text, as he informed me we were 28th on the iTunes podcast chart. I admit that I was surprised and gratified by this news, as we do not have a radio station or newspaper or big name comedian behind us and have done very little to promote ourselves. But I couldn’t find us on the chart and suspected that the crazy fantasies that play out in his strange Northampton head had somehow spilled out on to his computer screen and he had confused us with The Happy Tree Friends who were actually occupying that position. As it turns out we were indeed 28th in the comedy podcast chart, which is still pretty amazing. But I know it would make Andrew’s life seem worthwhile if we could just climb a few more places, so unless you want to be responsible for an adult broadcaster crying himself to sleep after over-exciting himself, then please go and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and see how far up the chart we can get. We’re certainly the underdogs, but that’s why you’ve got to love us. Hope you enjoy our stupidity whatever format you choose to listen to it on. And I hope you all get a personal reply from Catherine Young soon!

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